Chapter 1

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Your POV

I wake up hearing my dad in a coughing fit, I immediately run to his room and open the door.

"Dad are you okay?" I say sitting next to him, he coughs once more. "I'm fine, go to work like you always do I'll be fine" he coughs.

"No I'll get another job, you need those medications now dad" I say as he runs a hand through my hair softly.

"I don't want you to work your whole life to sustain an old man like me" he says as I kiss his forehead.

"I don't care, I wanna help you" I say as he looks at me and smiles, "only of you promise me you won't work too hard" he says as I nod.

"I promise" I say as I stand up, I'll go to the cafe and ask for a raise or something I can't let my father suffer.

"I'll back I love you daddy" I say as I kiss his cheek going to my room and changing into something else then grabbing my bag and leaving.


I walk into the cafe, people taking orders others cooking and others taking their breaks.

I set my bag down then start working, trying to earn as many tips as possible.


"23" I count, "this doesn't even cover one whole medication" I mumble.

"I'm sorry dad" I whisper. "Your shifts over you can leave now (y/n)" says Aunt Cass.

"Thanks" I say as I leave, before bumping into someone. Making him spill his coffee. "I am so sorry" I say as he picks up his spilt coffee.

"It's okay no worries" he says as I grab a few napkins wiping the coffee off his shirt.

"I need to go sorry" I say before I leave the cafe, "wow you made a big fool of yourself didn't you" I mumble.

I keep walking until I reach my house, I walk inside setting the bag down and putting the tips in a small jar.

I walk into my dad's room to find him sleeping. I sigh and walk into the kitchen finding the newspaper there.

I pick it up turning to the jobs section.

I sigh as I look at the clock, I look through the jobs none of them interesting me.

One catches my eye, "Secretary needed at Tadashi industries, call this number if available" I read out loud.

Hmmm maybe this could help me and dad.

I dial the number and sigh as I wait for an answer.

Hello! Thank you for coming by and reading my book!

Please vote and comment what you guys think should happen next or to just give me ideas.



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