Energy pt.1

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(a/n: hey babesss how are you??? The last chapter was..... q u e s t i o n a b l e   hopefully I can make it up in this chapter)

Chrollo looked at me and gave me a kind grin.
"So why were you even walking through the alley?" he looked down at me and tilted his head.

"I just wanted a coffee, and decided to take a short cut.... never again"

He laughed a little bit and checked the time.

"We should probably hurry, I need to get to this meeting, figure out why this guy is following you, and try to get him to stop."

"That sounds like a lot of work."

"It will be..."

he turned into a dead end to meet the guy following us. I gripped his hand harder.

"First you wanted to leave now you have a death grip on me, make up your mind"

He gave me a reassuring smile, which made me loosen my grip a little bit. The man eventually came into the alley, it made my stomach drop.
The man was very tall, blonde hair, gold eyes with glasses, he was wearing a suit.

"I don't want to do this, You don't want to do this, just hand her over and I'll be on my way."

Chrollo turned toward me, while opening his book. "Sit in the corner and wait patiently please." He let go of my hand and smiled.

I sat down on a small crate in the corner of the alley. Ounce I sat down Chrollo gave me a smile. It wasn't a big smile but but it was a smile. He turned around and focused on the blond  infront. With that he released an energy so powerful I almost fell over.

I got used to the feeling and adjusted to my seat. The blond then did the same thing but it wasn't as powerful.

(a/n: Im not good at fight scenes so just beware)

Chrollo was the first to attack creating a dagger out of thin air "why wont he close the book" I thought to myself as Chrollo was attacking the man. The man was dodging most of the attacks with occasional hits to the side from Chrollo.

The next thing I knew the blond made the next move by creating two glass swords out of thin air. "its like magic" I thought to my self as Chrollo whispered something under his breath he dodged every single one of the blondes attacks before he even made the move.

(A/n: HEY ITS BENN AWHILE sorry a out thattttt. ummmm this chapter is a bit longer sorry if its bad)

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