Chapter 1: Encounter

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Staring at the ceiling.

That's all Hatsune Miku could do as thoughts swirled through her head. Things like I should probably do my homework and I'm kinda hungey, maybe I'll make something. But there was one thought that no matter what woudn't leave her head. It was the fact that-

2 weeks ago
Miku POV

Today is my first day of school at FNF Academy. Me and a bunch of my friends transferred here as our last school was destroyed my an electric chair in the middle of the night. Putting that aside, all of my idiot friends are standing around me, looking at the school that is still under construction.

"This looks better than in the pictures!" Teto gasped. I kid you not, she started to poke the school building. "Why are we just standing here again?" Gumi asked. "I don't know, but the school is pretty small compared to our old school." Rin kicked a nearby pebble. Len kicked it back to Rin. "I wonder what kind of people attend this school". Len looked up at the school curiously. "Well, the logo isn't half bad." I added. The logo said "Friday Night Funkin' Academy" in big, bold pink and white letters. "What are we waiting for? Let's go!" Teto cheerfully ran through the door. She came back out a couple seconds later with a blank expression on her face. "Was it really that bad?" Gumi looked me, annoyed. "I'm sure it's not as bad as she's making it out to be. She tends to be really dramatic." I pridefully walk in. 

"AAAHHHHHHHHHH-" I screamed. I had bumped into something. I wasn't sure what it was yet. My friends came running after me. "What's wrong!" "Are you OK?!" My friends tended to me, and they slowly looked up one by one. Gumi didn't really seem to care about whoever I bumped into, both Rin and Len seemed surprised. I finally look up. I saw a monster. It's the only way I could describe it. A thing with a Lemon for a head, bloody teeth and eyes and a burnt chicken for a body. I blushed a bit. I couldn't explain it. Something about this monster made me feel strange. A feeling I've never felt before. Love.

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