The Host Club

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As you walked down the halls of your new high school you couldn't help but feel a little claustrophobic, even with its enormous size. It was your first day at Ouran Academy and you already felt out of place as you felt the watching eyes of others as you walked down the halls. You were a transfer student that couldn't afford the expensive gowns the other girls wore, so you decided to stick to some regular jeans and a (f/c) sweatshirt. Big mistake. You felt yourself blush as you heard a group of girls giggle as they passed you by. You wanted out of the judging eyes of others, so you quickened you pace and looked for an escape. You kept your blushing head down as to not give the onlookers another reason to laugh at you.

"Oof" you said as you fell to the ground. You looked up to see... a girl? She was dressed in a brown sweater and big spectacles.
"I'm so sorry, are you okay?" You asked as you jumped up to help give her a hand.
"Yeah, I'm fine" she replied as she took your offer in helping her up.
"Your a transfer student too?!" You asked excitedly as you hoped you weren't the only one.
"Yeah, the names Haruhi" she said with a smile.
"____" you responded with an equally friendly smile " It's nice to know I'm not the only one." You mumbled to yourself.
"What?" She asked
"Oh nothing just talking to myself!" You said as you waved off the question.
"Okay" she said " Well I'm going to find a quite place to study, would you like to come with me?" She asked
"Oh yes! Anything to get away from all these people!" You said a little too enthusiastically.
"I know how you feel" Haruhi said with an understanding look.

You two small talked as you both searched for a quite place to be. She was overall a very pleasant person and you felt as if you would be great friends in the future.
"Hey ____, there's an abandoned music room over there." Haruhi pointed out.
"Perfect" you smiled as you followed Haruhi's lead. You both headed over to the door and each placed a hand on one of the door knobs. You both pushed at the same time and were both equally surprised by the rose petals that flew towards you.

"Welcome" you heard a course of male voices.

You were both very surprised by a group of males awaiting your arrival. You went to retreat but then realized the doors were closed. You looked around for Haruhi and when your eyes locked you saw she was as terrified as you were.
"Looks like we have a pair of commoners" a blond male stated as he got up out of the chair and strode towards you both.
"If I'm correct they're this year's transfer students" a male with glasses responded. Overwhelmed by the situation you backed up against the door and slid down till you were on the floor, and proceeded in trying to make yourself as little as possible.
"Hey don't be scarred" the small blond told you with a child like voice.
"Yeah, it's not like any of us will hurt you" a pair of red heads responded in unison. As the tall blonde got closer Haruhi stepped in front of him.
"Hey! Leave her alone!" she said as she stood in front of you.
"Hey, no need to be so harsh, I'm not trying to hurt your woman" he said to her. You couldn't help but giggle a little as you took in the meaning of his words. He thought Haruhi was a boy! With regained courage you stood up and walked so you were next to her. You smiled as you gestured to Haruhi in an attempt to explain.
"Haruhi isn't my-" you were suddenly interrupted as the tall blonde pulled you into his chest. You couldn't help but blush and you felt yourself look away in embarrassment. But he lifted your chin to look at him.
"So we have an unclaimed beauty among us." He stated very flirtatiously as he gazed into your (c) eyes. You pushed and backed away from him, earning a frown.
"I - I-" you stammered but soon Haruhi was back by your side.
"I said leave her alone!" But because of her closeness to you as you were backing up, you tripped over her and in an attempt to try and steady yourself you accidently pushed her, causing her to run into a podium with a vase placed on top. You flinched when the vase crashed on to the ground and scattered into a million pieces. After a moment of silent realization the one in the glasses stated
"Well that simply won't due. That vase was going into our annual auction and started at 8,000,000¥."
You and Haruhi looked at each other in horror.
"8,000,000¥!!" You both said in astonished unison.
"You must be a man." The blonde said in a change of attitude as he sat back in his chair pointing at Haruhi.
"You must pay for it," he opened his eyes and starred at Haruhi and smiled
"with your body."
You blushed as you looked from Haruhi, to the blonde, and back. You thought back about what the blonde had just said and started laughing. The others in the room looked at you confused. Once you were able to speak you said
"I'm sorry it's just I didn't expect a man like you to be so openly gay." You said as you glanced at Haruhi who smiled in her eyes as she understood your joke. She knew you knew she wasn't a boy but was still able to have a good laugh and be a good sport.

This got a roar of laughter from the other hosts as the man in question was blushing profusely.
"I'll have you know that I am the king of this host club and in no way gay!" He stated though still blushing as the hosts were still laughing.
"Anyway I was meaning that your friend here work off his debt by being our new dog."

You sighed as you looked over at Haruhi and decided to do the right thing.
"It's my fault that the vase was broken, I mean I did trip and all." You said " I'm the one who should help pay for it." You smiled at Haruhi's appreciative face.
"A beauty and sincere, now that you don't see very often" the one with glasses stated as he pushed them up higher on his bridge.
"I'll help in anyway I can" you almost pleaded at the blonde host.
"We'll split the bill in half, Haruhi can work as our dog and you can..." he placed his hand on his chin in a concentrated thinking pose.
"I can cook" you offered
He snapped his fingers " Yes! You can be our clubs personal chef!" He said pleased with himself.
"YAY!" You heard before you were suddenly hugged and spun around.
"So you can make me tons of cake!" The little blonde stated as he held your arm.

"You know, Tamaki, for once you actually did a smart thing" the one with glasses stated "We'll save so much money by having her cook, rather then buying so much of Honey - senpei's cakes"

And as you and Haruhi began your new work you couldn't help but notice how lucky you were once you saw the men in action. To see them work for free was not a luxury any of the other girls had but all wanted and you couldn't help but feel pleasure in the fact that you were also a commoner. For once girls were jealous of you, and you loved to dwell on that fact because for you, nothing was ever handed to you on a silver platter like theirs. To know that no amount of money they could pay would get them to where you were, and the fact you did it through work, was just so pleasing. The reverse of your world and their world was nice for once.

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