The Days with the Hosts

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It has been a couple of days since you and Haruhi started working to pay off your guys' debt. You had a big laugh with Haruhi once they all figured out that she was actually a girl. You and Haruhi became fast friends as you had much in common, she had lost her mom and you had lost your parents. It was something you didn't tell people, as you didn't want there pity but Haruhi was different, you had a special connection that you really couldn't explain. In a span of two days you had bonded more with her then you had ever bonded with anyone. Ever.

You worked in a kitchen tucked in the back of the host club. If you weren't looking for it, you would probably never notice it was there. You cooked for the host club, mostly making coffee or tea for there guests but so far you hadn't made a single cake as Kyoya was having Honey eat the rest of the paid for cake.

Mori walked over to you while you preparing the tea and coffee for this afternoons hosts.

"Mitskuni is running low on cake." He said to you

You froze and starred at him. This was the first time you had heard him speak since joining the club.

"O-Okay" you stammered as you turned your face away so he couldn't see your cheeks. You heard him walk away and decided to start making the cake. You made the whole cake from scratch as they didn't have any box cakes, though you don't know why you even expected that there would ever be any in the kitchen of an elite school.

You put the cake into the oven as Honey made his way over to you.

"Hey ____- chan, are you making my cake" he asked

"Yes" you replied with a smile " though I don't know if you'll like my cakes when compared to the ones you buy."

"I'm sure I'll like them because you made them" he replied with a giggle and then turned and ran away still laughing.

You smiled and felt yourself blush at the statement. Man, these hosts really know how to make a girl like you blush. You found that they all had qualities that appealed to you in one way or another. Whether it be loyalty, passion, playfulness, caring, calmness, or even mischievousness. Well whatever the hosts had that you liked, you couldn't help but fall for them whenever they're charade was going.

You had some time before the guests arrived and with nothing else to prepare you went up the group of hosts to chat along with them.  You stood next to Haruhi as the conversation continued-

"I'm not helpless Tamaki - senpai, I can do it myself"

"But Haruhi, don't you understand it's a daddy's duty to protect his daughter."

"First of all your not my dad, and second I have ____ to go with me" this made Tamaki upset.

"MAMA! Haruhi won't let me go to the commoners store with her!" Tamaki said with tears in his eyes to Kyoya.

"Haruhi is no danger when she goes to the Market, she's capable of doing simple tasks like that on her own." Kyoya said

You leaned over to Haruhi and whispered

"But it's not a simple task when you have to shop for these idiots."

Haruhi chuckled at your statement and nodded.

"She can do it on her own, we commoners go to the Market almost everday, in fact we could probably do it in our sleep by this point." You said to Tamaki and Kyoya. They both starred at you as they contemplated your accusation.

" commoners have to go to the market" -"everyday?" The twins asked

"Only sometimes, most of the time though people shop for a weeks supply but occasionally they'll forgot something and end up having to return in the next day or so." You said "But of course those who never shop for themselves wouldn't understand"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2015 ⏰

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