°Broken°- Seven

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Lola has had pretty tough life

Lola was born June 12 2002 she was born like every other baby, very healthy and beautiful
When she turned Five her body started changing, her skin started changing
When her parents took her to the hospital, she was diagnosed with Vitiligo


A medical condition of the skin where there is loss or absence of melanin a pigment which is responsible for the color of the skin, eyes and hair.

She wasn't a very fast baby
She didn't walk till she turned 4
She said her first word at the age of three
Then when she turned 6 she stopped talking totally

Her parents seemed for medical advice but they said that she's just being a child
That it's just a phase that she'll get over

Lola Never made friends, even when she tried she always got made fun of because of her skin
She was bullied countless times

At the age of 7 Lola was very depressed
She resorted to self harm because she hated herself
She hated her existence more than anything in the world
Her brother who was her only siblings was in boarding school, they only saw during the holidays

Her bother Jide was 10 years older than her
He always seemed far away from her because of distance andthe age gap
They loved eachother but was not very close
When Jide was done with Highschool he spent a long time at home waiting for admission, his presence seemed to be a therapy for her, maybe all she needed all along was him to be close to her
Series of therapy sessions and doctor visit didn't do much good as those few months Jide spent at him with his little sister

Everything seemed all good and fine untill Jide was brought home dead

Jide was on his way to a friend's party, the friend for admission to the school of choice and course too, which was a very rare thing to happen to any Nigerian student
He thought it was worth celebrating

Jide was in an Uber all dressed in a nice white Jordan polo and black jeans, and iced watch his father got him for doing very well in his final exams and his Nike white sneakers

Jide was texting Ina his long time high school crush when they got stopped by a group of Police officers

He looked up and saw that the driver was conversing with them
Then one of the Police officers knocked on the window on his side
He rolled down the window and said:
"Good evening sir"
"Young man where are you going at this time of the day"
Jide held himself from holding his nose with his fingers, the officers mouth reeked of weed mixed with spoilt Ewedu soup, two things Jide hated

"I'm going to a friend's party" Jide replied

"Oya come down from that car"

"But sir I'm already late, I need to..."

"I said come down immediately my friend, do you think I'm joking here? The Police officer shouted attracting the others to come closer the car

Jide stepped down from the car, his phone on his left hand, mumbling some in audible words

"Bring that phone here"! One of the officers with tribal marks shouted

"I'm sorry sir but I can't do that, that's invasion of privacy and I haven't don't anything to warrant this harassment"

The officer with tribal marks snatched the phone from him and slapped him
The slap made Jide see stars floating in the air

"See his dada (dreads), criminal"

"Ahh no sir I'm not a criminal"

"Will you shut up your mouth, fool"

The Uber driver was very silent and pretended like nothing was happening, but his face screamed fear and terror

Jide was very furious

"So you're scamming white girls abi, you're telling this one you love her"
"No sir thats my friend and you still have no right to be going through my WhatsApp "

"Will you shut up you little criminal I could kill you here and nothing would happen" the officer with bad breath shouted again

Jide reached into his pocket to grab his small phone to call his parents
As he was about to respond to his mom's "Hello"
Jide felt a severe pain on his chest

Jide has been shot
The officers fled the scene after seeing that he was dead
The Uber driver fled too
Jude was lying in the pool of his own blood

His mom was still in the other end of the phone, screaming and shouting for response from him because she heard the shot

17 year old Jide was dead

The memory of a lifeless Jide brought home in the arms of a man remain etched into Lola's brain

Lola didn't speak for three months
Not that she didn't want to
She just couldn't speak
Her parents took her to the doctor's and they said that nothing is wrong with her vocal cords
That she's in shock and would be fine in a while

Lola was broken, she lost the will to live
She attempted suicide three times
She almost died on the second
She had drank rodent poison, hoping she would die
Well she lost consciousness, when her mom found her, she wasn't breathing
When she was in the hospital bed after regaining consciousness after two days
She saw her dad crying, shedding actual tears
That scene changed something in her, she hates her self, yes
But she loved her parents and can't bear to see them hurt or loose another child
Went they got home, her dad gave her a book
Her brothers diary
For days she would read the diary like novel
For the first time in a while, she felt the presence of Jide

Jide had so many things he wished to do when he grew up
Sadly his life was cut short at such a young age
And that was a motivation for Lola
She wanted to live, not for her self
But for Jide and her parents that love her dearly
She wanted to be the person Jide wanted her to be
She wanted to do what Jide wasn't able to do

Time passed and everything seemed to go back to normal
She for into a fight with a classmate that insulted her because of her skin, and she hit the girl with a wood that fell of an almost broken school chair and the girl bled
Lola got expelled
And that was how she got into my school

I'm so sorry for taking this long to update
Expect back to back updates from now on❤️❤️

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