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"How do I find her Niru", 14 year old me questioned Mother Niru while she braided my hair

"Honestly my dear I don't know the answer to give you"

"Father said they have searched all of Boko for royal blood, but it went futile, he even told me he searched for her in the whole galaxy but couldn't find her"

"Astra dear, maybe it's time for you accept the fact that, she's really gone, the same way I accepted the fact that my husband was gone too"

"Sorry for bringing up memories Niru"

"It's fine dear"
She said as she applied hair wax on my edges and tied the ends with a neon blue ribbon

"But Niru, I feel it"

"Feel what"

"I might be sounding stupid, but I know she's somewhere out there, I feel her, I dream of her, I feel like she needs me, sometimes my heart beats twice at once and....and.. it feels like it's hers


"No Niru, you know Half's are linked to one another, and you know if she's really gone wont be feeling like she is, and you kny my instincts are never wrong, you know me more than my own father"
I said while pacing around my living room

"My dear if...."

"Even Zoka thinks I'm crazy, my own father never talks to me, you have to believe me"
I said admist tears

I felt Niru's hand grab me and made me turn to her and then she said

"If you think that your other half is out there,then I believe you"

"You do?"
"Yes dear, I do"

"And if you want her back maybe you could take laws into your own hands and find her"

"How can I do that, I'm only but a child, I'm only 14"

"Astra you're a smart kid, remember when you created that formula that helped to make a podanium gas"

"But Niru that was long time ago, and I don't think I can do stuff like that anymore, father banned from school and for me home schooled and I never got to visit any lab again"

"But you were only 8 at that time and you know the food that gas has done ever since"

"Niru I only made a formula that made a gas that only freezes things faster than Nitrogen, even dull brained Zoka could do that"

"You know he can't, and you're exaggerating, take your time and think, been long you used that big brain of yours for something worthwhile, no offense"

"Non taken, I'll be going now Niru"

"Hey, remember what I told you, you can work something out, even if you don't ever find her, you'd be glad you tried, and be careful"

"I will Niru, I'll see you later"

"What would you like to have for lunch Astra"

"Suprise me"
I replied with a smile as I went back to my room

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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