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Mukan Horne was walking home from the bar with casual ease. He had a swagger to his step that came from a deep unbreakable confidence. It was dark out but he could see everything just fine as if it were day. He stopped to look in the reflection of a nearby window and fix his styled dark brown hair. Sop windows made great mirrors when the lights were out. It was late so the streets were empty with just the hum of street lights. Then he heard a whistling in the air. He barely dodged in time as a crossbow bolt whizzed past his face. "Damnit man you almost messed up my hair!" He complained as his brother dropped down from somewhere up above.

"Can't even take a damn walk without getting in trouble huh?" Alistair Horne said darkly as his rage flashed in his intense and bright icey blue eyes. He had a feeling his brother was going to run into trouble. It was always like that. They could each tell when the other was in trouble. So he'd decided to go out and find Mukan. (Made it just in time I guess.) He thought. He stood up straight and dodged another bolt that pierced through the air next to his face. It slipped through his unkempt shoulder length dark hair. And just like that he snapped and rushed in for the kill.

"Let's fuck em up bro." Mukan said as he followed his brother to the fight. (Damn hunters are everywhere.) He thought. (As if I ain't got enough problems.)

Readjusting her grip, she shook the laundry basket in her hands to try to hold onto it better. Stacked on top of her clean laundry were brown paper grocery bags which added to the weight she had to carry home. But that's what a day off meant for her, it meant getting all of her errands done in one day. She had already cleaned her apartment and paid all of her bills for the month, among about a dozen other things she had been putting off until today. The washing machine in her building had been broken since she moved in so she had always had to carry her laundry somewhere else. Luckily, it was right next door to an amazing coffee food truck and only a few blocks away from the grocery store. So she could do her shopping while her clothes washed, and then carry it all home in one load. The problem was just how heavy all of it was to carry home. But she didnt have time to make multiple trips, it was already after dark and she had to work the next day. The problem was that she hadn't been thinking when she bought her groceries to go light on weight. So now her fingers were stinging from trying to hold the basket up with all of it balanced on top. She could barely see over the top of them as she walked down the dark street. Adjusting again, she stepped, tripping over her own feet and dropping the basket. She moved faster to try to regrip the basket but it only made things worse, making it fall for her to trip again over it. She wasnt sure how it happened, if it was just bad luck or if she was just that clumsy, but she lept through the air in a massive fall. Hitting the ground was going to hurt but suddenly she wasnt on the ground. Instead, she had fallen right on top of someone, her arms going around them to try to keep her balance. To any onlooker, it would have appeared she dropped her basket and ran and jumped onto this stranger with eager excitement. Even though, they just happened to be in her path and saved her from bashing her face into the concrete. She let out an audible oof with the sheer force she hit him with and then used him to try to balance herself before looking up at the strangers face, her own face reflecting how mortified she was. "Oh! I am so...so sorry! The basket...and then I...but it didn't work...i don't even know you...im so sorry." She bumbled over herself, still holding onto the man.

Mukan gritted his teeth when suddenly someone had a hold on him. They were saying something but he couldn't tell what it was. He just knew he needed to get away. So he lashed out quickly and pierced his hand into the woman's chest to kill her. That's when he noticed the groceries and laundry on the ground. He looked at the woman with horror. "Oh shit." He said horrified. "I thought you were trying to kill me." (Fuck she's just an innocent woman.) He thought.

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