Chapter 1

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It was a cold winter day in Alpharetta, Georgia Sami, Mark, Ash, Maghan, Emma, and Kit "The Crew" as they call themselves were having their everyday meet up at a famous local restaurant downtown. They were having the usual day any other person would have. Everyone sat down at the table that the hostess led them towards the table, but were stopped in the process.

"Message from the CDC, there was a massive break out of a failed experiment that has already infected almost half of the Atlanta Metro Area we woul..." then the camera was dropped and became static from falling. The only thing they could hear were screams and groans coming from what they could make out to be a partially dead person at least that's what they thought, everyone around them was screaming and running. The six of them sat down at a table. Emma and Kit brought their laptops along with them because 'The Crew' was supposed to be doing a project together for school, so the two girls take out their laptops and search up the latest new trying to figure out what's going on while the other four were watching the television waiting for something to happen or someone too pick the camera back up.

It seemed like hours they were in the restaurant when both Emma and kit looked up in fear.

"What is it guys?" Mark asked, and everything was silent for a second that's when Emma spoke up, "The CDC has been looking for a cure for a very bad sickness for years and just last week they thought they found something that would bring it all to an end," Emma stopped and looked over at Kit. Kit sighed and continued on with what Emma was saying, "According to what I'm looking at the serum can only come to effect when the person who was injected with it is near death and just added not too long ago it will infect anyone who is bitten," She paused and read to herself a little then continued "It says that once the person infected, before they die will be given enough strength to continue walking and even..." she trailed off.

"And even what?" Sami said calmly trying not to stutter

"Kill," Kit shut her laptop and put it away. "There are already over 1,000 people infected,"

"What should we do?" Mark chimed in. Ash and Maghan have been quiet this whole time everyone and led everyone to silence.

"Maybe we should make our way over to someone's house before the infection gets in our area," Ash suggested. Everyone nodded and started to walk out of the restaurant

"It's too late," you hear a faint voice from the window. They all looked over and saw Sami standing there in front of the window. Kit and Emma put away their laptops and Maghan gestured them to follow her. All of them ran to the nearest store. No one there seemed to know what was going on except for a few who you could tell were slightly freaking out looking for supplies like this was the end of the world. "The Crew" spread out to try and calm the few who knew about the contamination, and gathered them at the front of the store. Maghan gathered most of them while the others found a few others. She told them that they should go home if they have a gun and bring it back, warned them try not to be spotted by and of the infected.

Hours past and now everyone in the store has been informed about the outbreak some nearly lost it and some were calm knowing it was the best thing to do. The girls were trying to become more familiar with what was going on ,but were having a troubled time doing so. Suddenly they hear the sound of a gun being shot and glass shattering.

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