Chapter 19

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"Ooh Harry, look out!" Hermione called desperately even though her voice was lost amongst the roaring of the crowd.

Harry's broomstick dipped suddenly beneath one of the Ravenclaw beaters and he pulled up in time to dodge the bludger that had been pursuing him.

Hermione sighed in relief and sat back down next to Ginny. She only had a moment to catch her breath though before a quick pass by one of the Ravenclaw chasers had her and Ginny on their feet again screaming at Ron. "Look out, he's right there!" The cries of warning from the Gryffindors weren't really necessary as Ron easily caught the ball and then sent it spinning away looking bored.

"This is turning into a really long game." Ginny commented as they sat back down again.

"I think it's one of the longest Hogwarts has had in almost thirty years." Hermione replied glancing at her watch. The sun was beginning to set behind the dark trees. The game itself had started early that morning.

"Harry could have won this easily, we've already seen the Snitch twice, but he doesn't want to show up Cho." Ginny muttered darkly.

Hermione glanced cautiously at her friend, "Gin, I don't think that Harry would lose on purpose." In fact, Hermione was quite certain that Harry would never lose intentionally, even if it were against Cho. "He's probably just giving her a sporting chance." She offered glibly.

Ginny looked unimpressed and glared hard at the Ravenclaw Seeker as she passed by. "Don't know what he sees in her anyway." She muttered quietly then glanced at Hermione and added "not that I care anyway."

Hermione nodded non-committaly. Ginny had long claimed to have left her Harry idolatry behind her, but Hermione often wondered how far back she had left it. Ginny was still obviously smitten with him and poor Harry was simply oblivious. Not that Hermione really had time to wonder about the relationships of her friends, what with school and her Arithmancy project. And, of course, there was Draco as well. A sudden close call as Fred nearly collided with a chaser sent Hermione and Ginny gasping in fear.

"He's looking at you again you know." Ginny whispered as they sat back down.

"What? Who is looking?" Hermione asked in confusion.

"Malfoy of course. Don't tell me that you haven't noticed." Ginny looked unbelievingly at Hermione and then sighed in exasperation. "You're hopeless you know. He's over there."

Hermione followed the direction that Ginny was looking and found Draco sitting in the next section over. The Slytherin boy was pointedly watching her.

"What's he want?" Ginny asked in an almost awed tone.

"I have no idea," Hermione replied quietly as she stared back at him. He abruptly stood up and started down the steps pausing at the bottom to give her one more demanding look. "I'll be right back Ginny."

"What? But what about the game?" Ginny grabbed Hermione's arm.

"I'll be right back Gin." Hermione replied firmly and tugged her arm loose.

Hermione turned her back on Ginny's disapproving gaze and followed after Draco. He had doubled back under the raised seats and was casually leaning against a pole. As Hermione approached she couldn't tell if he was smiling genuinely or smirking at her. Hermione walked right up to him and waited for him to speak. Instead of talking though, Draco brushed back a lock of her hair and leaned in to kiss her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hermione asked in surprise as she backed away from him. "The whole school is sitting above us, are you crazy?"

There was no doubt now that Draco was smirking. "I wouldn't worry. All of your little Gryffindor pals are watching the game."

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