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After her embarrassing run in with the Prince of Hogwarts, y/n sprinted to potions class.

The busted through the door, hair creating a halo around her head.

"I'm s-so sorry I'm late!!!" She fell at the teacher's, very round legs and dropped to her knees, pleading him not to be mad at her.

A slight growl came from behind her, and she spun around. It looked like draco was the one who growled... but that's impossible
Draco didn't care about her.. right?

She then went to her seat, after being assured by the teacher that she wouldn't be put in detention.

"Okay everyone, today we will be brewing the argo velution potion, which is used to give people warts."

A collective "eww" floated around the class.

"First, crush up frog legs, cherry tree leaves, and slowly pour in the yellow vile"

"Um sir," a small voice, coming from Ginny Weasley, "what's the in the yellow vile?"

The teacher, Slughorn, looked cautious. "Okay, I'll tell you. But don't get grossed out.."

"It's eurumpant urine"

Y/n immediately felt butterflies erupt in her chest. Today couldn't get any better!

The class monotonously started brewing the potions, following the instructions to a tee.

Y/n unscrewed the lid of the vile, the sweet sweet aroma filled the dungeons.

Against her will, y/n moaned, "uuumphhffuu"

Then, in a blink of the eye someone yanked y/n's arm roughly, and forcefully pulled her out of the dungeon into the hall.

She was slammed into the wall, and opened her doe eyes to stare up at...

Draco Malfoy

"DONT!" He barked

"DONT EVER DO THAF AGAIN. Only I can hear those sweet sounds from your plump lips"

I glared at him, trying to put all the hatred I felt for him in that glare
"You don't own me.. don't tell me what to do, I HATE you!!!!" I hollered, not even caring if I disturbed the classes.

She ran away, leaving both draco and her problems behind....
That is until

Y/n ran into someone else! Who could this mysterious stranger be??

Mudblood (y/n x draco 😱)Where stories live. Discover now