first day

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she's what the white men with taste would call the Asian persuasion: red, small lips like cherry blossoms petals, clear soulful brown eyes, a flat yet elegant nose, and a overall look of constant dreamy.
she doesn't have many friends, for she prefers to keep her circle small, sometimes she feels lonely because of it, but most of the time she enjoys the peace. one thing that probably doesn't help with her social life is that her moving constantly due to her dad's job. once again he drags his family along across the country, and once again she has to deal with a new environment.
moving to this small town was not entirely a bad thing, how many people have the chance to start anew? plus she feels like she needs to get away because of all the drama that went on last semester.
now, sitting in this new school's cafeteria, she feels out of place. it doesn't matter how many times you do it, eating alone in a noisy place where everyone seems like they belong is incredibly awkward.
at the corner of her eyes she sees an average-looking girl approaches her table
"Hey, are you that new girl?" - she asks
"Yeah, hi there"
"What's your name?"
"I'm Jessica, call me Jess. You?"
"Well hello Jess I'm Katie, it's nice to meet you"
"Did we have science together?" - she asks as Katie's face seems familiar
"Yeah we did, it's been so long since I saw an Asian person around here, we are incredibly low on diversity as you can see"
she was taken aback by Katie's straightforwardness, and possibility racial insensitivity.
"Oh yeah.. I saw a whole lot of white people around here" - she tries to joke along, it's what she does in situations like this.
"It's always nice to have some new spices haha, now all I need is a gay best friend"
she suddenly misses her old life in the old city very much, she knows things like this would happen, but not now, not this soon.
she tries to push through the conversation with Katie, finally she walks away after humble bragging about  how she can raps the entire song "Rap God" by Eminem without a mistakes.
after that, she doesn't talk with anyone again for the rest of the school day.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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