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Jess's pov
I finish watching the tv for now and look at my phone and realise it's half 1 in the morning, Dan and Phil have only been asleep since 11 so I guess I'll wake them up so they can actually get a good nights sleep in their beds instead of waking up with cramp in their necks from sleeping on the sofa
"Hey you two, you both fell asleep on the sofa, cmon let's get you both to bed" I said while squeezing their shoulders, Dan's eyelids flickered open whereas Phil decided to be stubborn and not want to get up and instead wrapped his arms around me not allowing me to escape

Dan just laughs and stretches "you gonna be okay here?" Dan asks me knowing that Phil is a heavy sleeper and doesn't like being woken up nor is he a morning person "yeah bro I'll be fine, I've slept on here before, you get a good night sleep" I say to him while kissing his cheek, "you too hun, love you loads" he says kissing my cheek in return and getting up to go to his room
I looked down at Phil who had gone back to sleep, his head resting on my shoulder and his arms wrapped around me, I slightly giggled at the fact that Phil didn't want to get up and Walk a few steps towards his bed

I kissed his forehead and because I couldn't sleep at all, I just went on my phone, I decided to talk to Cole for a bit 'hey! I don't know if you're awake right now but I'm really bored' I say to Cole
I place my phone on my lap for a brief second till I feel the vibration shortly after 'hey:) yeah I'm awake,when are you're brothers doing their next show by the way? I miss you :(' he replied
I smiled at the fact that he said he missed me, it kinda warmed my heart not gonna lie, I don't think anyone has ever said that to me apart from Dan and Phil
'They're doing a show tomorrow, so I'll definitely see you then! And I've missed you too!' I reply 'oh my god, I'm in such a better mood now You've said that, also I may tackle you to the ground by hugging you so just be aware of that XD' he says, at this point I'm just smiling like a maniac 'yesss, I'm sorry I'm the most huggable person ever, I love them so much and you're honestly so sweet' I say back to him 'perfect! Looks like you're gonna get a lot of hugs tomorrow then :) anyway I'm sorry this is abrupt but I'm getting kinda sleepy now and I think I'm gonna head off to sleep' he says 'oh okay, goodnight Cole I'll see you tomorrow you have a good night sleep' I message to him 'you too hun, try get some sleep, you need to rest! I'll be here in the morning I promise, goodnight <3' he replied

Okay I know this is such a typical teenage love story and I'm sorry about how cringy this all is but I really like this guy, he's actually so nice and the fact that he came into my life at a time where I desperately needed someone after being cheated on and having my mind fucked around with and unlike my ex Cole seems like such a nice guy, I really like him and kinda think I'm catching feelings

I place my phone down again and let out a sigh which probably woke up Phil because I heard him ask me "are you alright?" He lifted his head up to look at me, he looked confused "oh yeh, it's not a sad sigh, sorry did I wake you?" I asked him "yes the first time! But I couldn't get back to sleep" he says resting his head back on my shoulder "sorry hun, you wanna actually get into a bed?" I asked him, he nodded
I got up and grabbed his hand helping a very sleepy philly up
I wrapped my arm around his waist and he put his around my shoulder, we went to phils side of the room where his bed was, he sat down on his bed and just as I was about to walk over to my side to get in my bunk Phil decided to pull me back and throw me on the bed "PHIL THAT SCARED ME TO DEATH!" I whispered angrily while slapping his chest "ouch!" He said dramatically slapping my arm, "you wanna fiteee?" I asked him holding up my fists "bring it on mate" Phil says pushing me down on the bed, I quickly get back up and start ticking his sides and tummy causing him to burst out laughing and slapping my hands away "okay okay okay you win" he says holding up his hands as if he's surrendering

I giggles and layed down on the bed, Phil says next to me, giving me a hug, I place my head on his chest and sigh again "you sure you're okay hun?" He asks me again "yeah I actually am surprisingly for once, these are relaxed happy sighs" I say sounding shocked
"Oh my god they never happen!" Phil says copying my surprised reaction "is there a particular reason why you're so happy?" He asks me "there is indeed! Well first of all, I'm the happiest I've been because I'm on tour with the two people I love more than anything or anyone and second of all, I'm really glad I met Cole, he's so sweet, he's constantly checking on me and making sure I'm okay, he's honestly such a genuine person" I tell him "awww okay first of all that was adorable I love you so much you're the kindest person ever that was too sweet and do you have any feelings towards him? Oooo do you have a little crush?" Phil asks resting his head on mine
"Thank you Phil I love you more than you'll ever know and I win because I love you more and I don't know at the minute, I kinda want to take things slow for the time being because my breakup is still kinda new and I don't want that happening again like I definitely find it more difficult to trust people how" I say to Phil
"No I totally get it, just take your time Jess, whenever you're ready to get into a relationship you get into a relationship you don't need to rush yourself and trust me if he does end up being like your asshole of an ex then me and Dan will run over him with this goddamn tour bus , but I'm sure that won't be a problem because he sounds like a really nice guy" Phil says with a yawn
"Yeah I agree Phil and I love how protective you're being you're such a brother" I say making him laugh
I rest my head on his chest and rest my hand on his stomach and fall asleep as does Phil

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