Instincts-Angst 🥀🥀🥀

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Warnings: Child Death, mention of past rape, baby blues, mental instability.

This Lovely one shot was Betaed. The Beta has chosen to go anonymous

So if you want to see more of this particular work let me know in the comments, also there is endnote at the bottom so that I don't spoil anything before you read this.

Also if you want to be my beta DM/PM me on Wattpad or if you have it discord my username is ChaoticKarma6932, also you have to be able to and know how to use Google docs.

Dream's Pov

For Dream, the event was still fresh in his mind, even though it had been nearly a thousand years, although in reality, it had only happened nine and a half months ago. He remembered finding out about Nightmare being bullied, and who had done it. He went to confront them and ask them to stop... they didn't. In fact, they became much worse. Dream sometimes wished he had talked to Nightmare about it first; maybe then this wouldn't have happened. But at the time, Nightmare had begun distancing himself from Dream.

Dream would never forget the pain or humiliation... and he would never forget the feeling of fear and hatred he felt that day. He had basically been gang banged, raped. He had learned those two words from Ink afterwards., Sure, he had lied about why he wanted to know, but in the end, he got his answer.

Dream held a special little place in his soul for these bullies, locked real tight so that not even his brother could find it.

A special little place called hatred.

He hated them for the pain that was still present... and for the babe that sat on the floor just inches away from him.

It was a girl. He could tell even without it summoning an ecto-body. It was also a rabbit skeleton hybrid. The sight of it sickened him - it made him want to vomit all over the place. And as soon as that thought entered his mind, he felt guilty - he felt like such a terrible mother. An awful, awful mother, like garbage.

But he didn't want it, he hadn't wanted what they had done to him. He couldn't go back in time and stop this from happening like he wanted. He couldn't even tell Nightmare back then and even now.

Get Rid of it,

something deep inside said as he stared at the newborn baby girl that had yet to be named. And Another part cried out that it was wrong. That the babe hadn't done anything wrong, that it was Innocent. Just brought into the world under the worst kind of circumstances.

Get rid of the evidence.

Hide it's existence.

Suddenly Dream felt like he was light as air. Almost like he was having an out of body experience. He watched as his own hands reached for the babe. At first, he thought that maybe he would pick it up to stop it's crying, but the very thought left him feeling empty and numb.

It's loud.

He wanted the noise to stop. It had to stop.

Instead of picking it up like he initially thought, he wrapped his hands around the baby's little neck and squeezed until it stopped... stopped moving, stopped breathing...

Stopped making noise.

Dream stared numbingly as his baby turned to dust before his eyes. Upon realizing what he had done, he looked at his dust covered hands that had started Trembling. His golden eyes turned white and shrunk as he turned to the side and vomited Yellow magic from his non-existent stomach. He let out a wet sob as his senses began trickling back in. Oh God! He had killed it. He had killed it without hesitation, no mercy. He didn't understand what was happening to him and the last thing he saw was the shocked experience of his corrupted brother as he passed out.

Night Terror's Pov

There were many things Night Terror had seen since the Death of his almost brother Nightmare, but this takes the cake. Sure, he had seen it happen when Lust had Become Unlust, but back then, he hadn't felt his Magic boil just beneath the surface in a rage that demanded bloodshed. Maybe it was because this was Nightmare's brother or because he should have seen that something just wasn't right about Dream's behavior. He calculated how long Dream had been out of the stone.

Five Months.

It had been five months since he escaped. Night Terror shuddered. Skeleton pregnancy took nine to eleven months, not because of the physical body, but because the soul needed time to develop. And if Dream had gotten Pregnant right after escaping then there was no way that that child would have a physical body yet. They normally started developing around the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy.

Dream had been Raped.

It was a realization that came too late and he tried to calculate when it could have happened.

Think about when he started acting off.

Terror had been With Night for over a year before the apple incident. Back then he had been a passenger, an observer in Night's life. He had been around Dream less than Nightmare, but it had been long enough to pick up all his habits and behaviors.

He had flinched away.

He remembered that very well. It had happened four and half months before he put his plan into action. At the time, he had brushed it off as his negativity making itself known to the positive guardian.

The Nightmares.

Now that he thought of it, it was around the same time that Dream became extremely clingy, having Terrible Nightmares that would wake Nightmare up in cold sweat not knowing or remembering what Dream had Dreamt. It was also around the same time Dream stopped going into the village unless absolutely necessary.

Night Terror was pulled out of his thoughts as the sound of puking and gross sobbing reached his non-existent ears. He remembered why he and his gang had come now - there had been a surge of Negativity in the area that he had gathered his Gang and their new member Unlust to see if they would get a new member or kill a Human. They had not expected to find Dream here strangling his newborn. In fact, they had not expected the source of the Negativity to be coming from the guardian.

Night Terror saw Cross make a mad dash to a set of bushes to throw up his lunch out of the corner of his eye. But he wasn't concerned with that at the moment because as soon as Dream stopped vomiting, Night Terror was in front of him in an instant. His normal golden eyes were nowhere to speak of and they had gone blank, signaling that he had fainted. Night Terror pulled Dream into his chest as the guardian fell backwards.

Terror looked up at his gang and cursed under his breath. Unlust looked like he had just lived through another nightmare, which Terror wouldn't doubt one bit. Horror looked like he might pass out, a sad and funny thing seeing as he killed and ate lots of different things before. And Dust... Dust didn't look too good, he like Lust had gone through something similar. The victim of a brutal rape that had led to the birth of an unfortunate child that would never grow up to walk, talk or taste the Joys of life. Instincts were a cruel thing. But unlike Dream, Lust had Horror as emotional support and Dust had Blueberry, despite him believing that Terror didn't know about that fact. But Dream had no one.

His brother was dead. Terror had killed him. Unintentionally, yes, but nevertheless he had killed him. In this moment, Terror decided that it would be his job to take Nightmare's place for Dream... he owed him that much at least... and he bemoaned having to schedule another therapy appointment with Sci for his entire Gang and Dream.

Ending Note:

This one shot is 1,252 words.

Also if it didn't hit you while reading this Nightmare's Bullies Raped Dream after he confronted them.

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