Chapter 13: The First Goodbye

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In the midst of swirling darkness I saw a night opal lantern. Aidan hoisted it in his hand. His other hand clenched mine as he pulled me forward through a snaking gray tunnel. The river trickled to our right. When the rich smell of minerals and sulfur hit my nose, I smiled this time. I knew what was going to happen.

My hand held tight in his, Aidan led me through the labyrinth of pillars and cones. The stalactites were crying for their partners, and the stalagmites were reaching up to meet them. The rock formations were decorated with rings of warm colors: reds, oranges, and browns. Aidan stopped between two rock formations. He pulled me forward and wrapped his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder from behind.

"Follow my eyes," Aidan whispered in my ear. I glanced over my shoulder to see where he was looking. I followed his gaze. It was the pillar that he had pointed out last time. It was an hourglass: the stalactite that met its stalagmite. It was definitely the biggest pillar in the cavern, as wide and firm as a tree trunk. It was a ways off the trail. The ground sloped down until it met the river.

"We're going there!" Aidan decided. He immediately sprang into a steady trot and pulled me forward again. I giggled and smiled. No matter where or how fast he went, I would always be with him. He kept my hand in his.

After the downhill descent, we reached Aidan's favorite rock column. Mineral water trickled down its sides. Aidan took me by the shoulders and pressed my back up against the red rock. Sulfurous clouds of vapor gathered in the air. I closed my eyes and Aidan wrapped his arms around me and rocked me gently. He pressed his lips against my forehead.

"Everything's okay Raelynn. Everything's going to be absolutely okay." He whispered the assurances into my hair. His fingers brushed through the tangled strands. "We're just like the stalactites and the stalagmites," Aidan whispered. "We've met, so we'll never have to be alone again. We're together now, so I never want to see you cry again!"

I realized that my cheeks were tear-stained beneath my eyes. I had been laughing and crying at the same time during our journey here. Aidan gently brushed his fingertips below my eyes, wiping away the salt water. He held my face in his palms, and then slowly pushed my head against the rock column. I felt the tiny trickles of mineral water seep their way into my clothing and hair. Aidan bushed my eyes shut with his fingertips and pressed his lips against mine.

. . .

I woke up by stages, and my mind was in a daze. I thought back to the smile that Aidan had given me when we first met. I still didn't know him, I still didn't understand him, but his smile was still engraven in my mind. It was a smile one could stare at for days, studying every line, crinkle, and sparkle in his blue eyes.

Consciousness suddenly snatched me from my fitful state. I cast my eyes around my room frantically, ensuring myself that I was alone. I caught my breath and calmed down. Aidan wasn't here. None of that was real. However, untangling my dream from reality was difficult. I suppose it always is. After all, dreams are a shadow of reality.

It was the middle of the night, but I didn't even try to go back to sleep. I didn't want to feel Aidan kissing me in my dreams, only to have him avoiding me in real life. I pulled myself out of bed, shoved on my boots, grabbed my lanter, and headed outside to make a trip to the bathroom tunnel.

I was lost in my thoughts as I descended the tunnel to the bathrooms. When I reached the three bathroom tunnels, I took the entrance to the first girls' bathroom. I quickly used the toilet. While I was still in the stall, the sound of another person's footsteps reached my ears over the roar of the river beneath us. When I heard the footsteps enter a different stall, I left mine. I quickly and quietly washed my hands.

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