We're moving

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It's was the day after thanksgiving. I was still so confused about the event of last night
"Avia, wake up baby." Mama said
"No." I groaned and rolled over
"It's 10:30 c'mon honey." She said rubbing my back
"Why?" I mumbled into my pillow
"Because i want to put the Christmas decorations up." She answered
"Fine." i said rolling in to my back and sitting up
"Morning bubs." She said and kissed my cheek
"Mornin" I said
"You okay?" She asked
"Nope." I answered. I just plopped back down on my bed
"Come on Via." She groaned pulling on my arm
"What's the point Mama." I asked
"To decorate!" She said excitedly
"I'm serious mama." I said
"It'll make you feel better." She replied
"No it won't." I said
"Yes it will." She said
"I just don't know how to feel anymore." I said
"Feel blessed." She said
"Why would I feel blessed, my oldest sister hates me?" I asked
"You have a whole family that loves you." she told me
"I know but it still hurts." I said
"It'll be okay." She said
"Thanks mama." I said
"Welcome bubs." She said. I got up and help her up.
"Thanks." She said while grabbing her back
"Morning buddy." I said putting my hand on her belly
"He's been pretty quiet." Mama told me
"He missed me." I said
"Yep." She said
We both walked down stairs and into the kitchen. Dad was making breakfast and mama snuck up behind him. She suddenly wrapped her arms around his waist
"Hey beautiful." He said
"How'd you know?" She asked
"I just do." He said turning around and pecking her lips
She smiled and kissed him back, deepening it.
"Okay, that's enough love birds." I sassed
"Why?" Dad asked
"You guys are worse than Ryan and I." I answered. That got their attention.
"What?!" Dad said
"You guys freak we show the tiniest amount of PDA." I said
"We're your parents." Mama replied
"I know, but you guys freak if he kisses me or I kiss him." I said
"We're supposed to do that." Mama said
"That doesn't mean you have to." I said
"Let's just drop it okay?" Mama asked
I have a idea," Dad said
"What?" Mama asked
"We won't freak about you and Ryan, if you won't freak when we do it?" He asked
"Uh ok." I said
"Good." Dad said kissing mama passionately and she did the same
"Ugh." I said turning my head
"What's for breakfast daddy?" I asked
"Whatever you want" he said
"I'm not hungry." I said and they both look at me
"You okay?" Mama asked surprised. I just nodded my head no.
"What's wrong?" She asked
"Everything from last night."I answered
"Via, don't tear yourself up over it." Dad said
"Too late, the reason why I slept so late because I was up until 8 thinking about it." I admitted
"Avia..." Mama trailed off
"Yeah?" I said with tears welling in my eyes. She just hugged me gently, I wrapped my arms around her and she tightened her grip around me.
"You're okay bubs." She said
"No I'm not Mama, nothing has ever hurt this much" I cried
"Shhh." She whispered. I just cried harder.
"I'm right here baby." She said
I pulled away to look at them.
Mama smiled at me and dad kissed my head
"It's going to take a lot for me to forever forgive her." I said
"I don't blame you." Dad replied
I put my hand on moms belly and said
" I will never do that to you."
"I hope not." Mama said. Daddy and I just glare at her
"I didn't mean it like that." She said softly
I nodded my head and she kissed my cheek.
"Y'all hungry?" Dad asked
"Me!" Mama said
"Not me." I said
"Come on Via." Mama begged
"I'm not hungry Mama." I told her
"Alright." She said
"Nope your eating." Grandma came in saying
"Mama, don't make her." My mama said
"I don't care, she's eating." She said
"No she isn't." Mama said
"Fine I'll eating something." I said
"You don't have to." Mama said
"Yes she does." She ordered
"Mama." My mama said sternly
"Reba." Grandma also said sternly
"She doesn't have to eat of she doesn't want to" mama demanded
"Mama its fine I'll eat." I said getting in between then
"If you don't want to, don't" she told me
I just looked at dad for help He sided with mom
"Grandma, I'm not hungry. I'll eat later." I said
She nodded her head and mumbled something about weight watching
"What was that grandma?" I asked
"Nothin." She said
"Mama?" My mom said
"What?" She a ,lsked innocently
"Do you think she is underweight?" Dad asked
"No." Grandma said "I don't think she needs to watch her weight. though.
"Grandma, look at me." I said taking her hands into mine." I'm not watching my weight, I'm really not hungry. But If you want me to eat, then I will." I told her
"It's not a big deal." Mama said
"I know." I said
"Let's eat!" Pake yelled. We all sat back down at the dinning room table.
"Pass out the plates please." Grandma asked me
"Yes Ma'am." I said and did as I was told
"Thanks sweetie." Grandma said. I completely sat the table and sat down
"So what will you do about sports now that you are being
"I can still for the travel team, but I can't play for the school anymore" I answered
homeschooled?" Aunt Alice asked
She nodded her head in understanding.
"Mama, when can I play again." I asked
"Whenever you feel ready." She replied
"REALLY!" I said excited
"Of course." She said
"Yes!" I said
Everyone laughed and congratulated me
"That baby is totally playing basketball isn't he?" Susie asked
"He doesn't have a choice." I said proudly
Mama kicked me under the table.
"Fien he has a choice .Ouch, by the way." I added
"What?" Mama asked innocently
"You know what." I sassed
"Nu uh." She shook her head
"Yes you do." I said
"Nope." She said
"Mmhmm." Is all I said
"Let's eat." Pake said
"How's helping me with the Christmas stuff?" Mama asked
"Sure." I said
"But act so excited." She said
"Sure!" I said in a fake excited voice
She kicked me again
This time I kicked her back
She just glared at me
"I tapped you, you kicked me." I said
"Uh huh." She sassed
"I have the bruise to prove it Mama." I sassed back
"Sure." She said
I pulled my leg up from under the table and placed my foot flat on the chair. Showing everyone my now bruised shin.
"Reba." Grandma scolded
"I didn't think I kicked her that hard." She defended
"Mmmhm." She said
"I'm sorry Bubs." She said walking over to me.
"It's cool." I said hugging her
Move your leg." She ordered
"No." I said
"Why not?" She whined
"Because." I replied simply
"Please Bubs." She whined again
"Fine." I sighed
I moved my leg and she sat on me. Again
"Ugh." I groaned
"What?" She asked
"Again." I said
"What can I say, your comfy." She sassed
"What's that supposed to mean?" I joked
"Nothin." She said realize what she said
"Mama." I said
"Didn't mean that the way it came out." She defended
"Alright." I said
Daddy and uncle Pake are just laughing at me
"Pake" mama said
"Yes." He asked
"She looks so funny." Daddy said pointing at me
"Thanks." I said
"Sorry bubs." He said
"Whatever." I replied
"How long you gonna be here for?" I asked wanting to finish my breakfast
"I don't know." She said taking a bite of my food
"Hey, that's mine." I whined
"I'm hungry." She said
"Yeah, so am I." I whined She fed me a piece of bacon
"Thanks." I said
"Welcome." She replied eating some more
"Can one on you place her plate so I have half a chance to eat what's on mine?" I asked
"Sure." Dad said scooting her plate in front of her
She just put the food on my plate on to hers.
"Mama!" I laughed
"I'll share." She said
"sure you will." I sassed
"I will." She protested
"Mmmhm" grandma said
"What Mama?" My mom asked
"Nothin." I said
"Can I have a pancake please." I asked
"Here." She said putting one on my head
"Really?" I asked
"Yep, you have arms." She replied
"Mama." I whined
"Avia" she whined back
"I getting pregnant just so I can sit on you and put pancakes on your head." I sassed removing the pancake from my head
"Okay." She smiled
"You better not." Dad said
"Alright" I sighed
Mama took the pancake from and drizzled some syrup on it. She cut it up into bit size pieces and fed me like a baby
"Thanks" I smiled
"Your welcome. I need the practice anyway." She smiled
"Yep" I said
"I'm not going to become you practice kid am I?" I asked concerned
"No" she told me
"Thank you." I said
"I wouldn't do that." I said
"I'm just making sure." I said
"It's okay." She said
My phone started ringing and it was shawna
Mama saw who it was "should I decline?" I asked
"No, let me answer it." SHe said
I handed her my phone."Hello?" She answered
Mama put it on speaker
"Oh, hi mom. Is Via there?" She asked
"Yea, she is." Mama replied
" I don't want to talk to her." I whispered in her ear
"She's busy." Mama said
"I know she is there mom." Shawna said
"Yes she is here, but she is doing something." Mama told her
"She doesn't want to talk doesn't she?" She asked
"Shawna..." Mama sighed as she trailed off
Yeah?" She asked. Mama said that because she didn't want to say the truth
"Just tell me the truth mom." She said
"Shawna, I can't" mama told her
"Why not?" She asked calmly
"I want things to be settled, not new problems popping up." Mama said
"Mom please." She begged
"It's up to Avia." Mama said. Mama hands my phone back to me
"Hi." I said quietly
"Hi bubs." She said
"Don't call me that." I said
"Why not, that's your name." She said
"It's Avia." I said
"That's you legal first name, but to the people that you care about its Bubs. she said
"Exactly, to the people that love me, to everyone else it's Avia." I stated
"I love you." She told me
"No you don't." I spat
"Avia, yes I do." She demanded
"You really think I'm going believe that." I sassed
"I hope you would." She told me
"After last night, I might never believe again." I said
"Please." She begged
"You have no idea how much you hurt me. Do you?" I asked
"No I do." She replied quietly
" I didn't sleep last night because it." I said
"I didn't either". She replied
"I just don't know what to say." I told her
"Me either." She responded
"This hurts a heck of a lot more then all of the bullying I went through and the thing with Ryan and Abby. Combined." I said
"I'm sorry." She told me
"You can say I'm sorry all you want, but is not going to take the pain away anytime soon." I stated
"How am I supposed to apologize and make everything better for you if you won't except my apology?" She asked
"I excepted it last night. Remember?" I sassed
"All I remember was yelling and crying." She told me
"When daddy forced you to apologize in my room that night. I said that I accepted the apology, but it's going to be a very long time before I can trust you." I reminded her
"Well can you at least try ?" She asked
"Not yet." I answered
"You're making this harder on all of us." She said
"Care you elaborate on that?" I spat
"You won't let it go, I'm trying to help you forget, you are dragging this out when I could've been over with. Mom doesn't need the stress of us fighting and feuding." She lectured
"How am dragging this out. It happened last night. I agree with you that Mama doesn't need the extra stress. You were the one who started in to the first place." I replied
"Mama made me tell you. I'd knew you'd act like you were dying." Shawna said getting annoyed
"Shawna, when one of the people that you love most in this world and that you look up to as person, tells you they hate you. I am dying." I said getting emotional
"Here we go." She mumbled
"What?" I asked
"Continue." She said
"I have nothing to say, it's your turn." I sassed
"Well okay." She sassed back
"Do you really love me, or are you just saying that it." I asked
" what do you think?" She asked curiously
"You don't want to know what I think." I answered
"I think that I really do love you." She told me
"When why did you say that you hated me?" I asked
"I was angry." She replied
"Why?" I asked
"I don't know." She said
"We're putting up the Christmas stuff up today, if you wanna swing by?" I said
" I love you Via." She said
" I love you too." i said through my teeth
"Bye, see you later." I said
"Bye bubs." She said and hung up before I say anything else
"So?" Mama asked
"We're good." I answered
"Good" she smiled
"My legs aren't though." I reminded her
"Sorry." She said getting up
"Where that rest of my food?" I asked
Mama got quiet and looked down
"MAMA!" I whined
"I'm sorry." She whined
"Yeah, yeah." I said trying to get up and get more food
"There's more?" Mama asked happily
"Yeah, what do you want." Dad said
"I want sweets!" She said . He got up and grabbed her plate and walked over to me.
"Yes?" I asked him
"Getting you mom some food. And I m very proud of you." She said
"Why are you proud of me." I asked
"You talked to Shawna." He said
"Yeah, I talked to her. Big deal." I said
"At least you didn't ignore her." He said
"I didn't want mama worrying about it too much." I said
"She is worried" dad said
"What do you mean?" I asked
"She is worried sick that y'all will hate each other." Dad told me
"Me and Shawna or me and the baby?" I asked
"You and Shawna." He said
"I don't hate her, I'm just hurt." I said
"I know" he said
We both walked back at sat at the table. Dad gave mama her plate and she dug in
"Your welcome." He said and kissed her cheek
"Thanks". She said with her mouth full
We all finish eat and walk to the family room
Mama and daddy were snuggled up together on the couch
"You guys are too cute." Grandma said
Mama smiled at her and dad kissed her cheek. I heard the doorbell ring
"I get it." I sat getting up
I answered it and Shawna was standing there
"Hey." I said
"Hi" she replied
"Come on in." I said
"thanks." She said
I closed the door behind her and walked back into the family from
Shawna sat down in a chair and didn't say much
"Hi Shawna." Dad said
"Hi dad." She said quietly
"Where's the Christmas stuff?" She asked
"Over there." He nodded towards boxes by the tree
"Wanna get started?" Mama asks us
"Sure I said
I got up and turn in the Christmas pandora station on the tv
Dad heaved mama up and they walked over to the tree
"You get to do the lights daddy." I said handing them to him
"I think Pake should do it." Dad said throwing them to uncle Pake
"Your house, your lights buddy." He said throwing them back to dad
"yes but I can kick you out." Dad said throwing then back
"Narvel!" Mama said sternly
"Fine." He huffed
I started humming the song
Mama did too
"Sing it girls." Daddy said
Mama started to sing and I joined in
Then aunt Susie came in
She sang with us to
"I want to hear Bubs do a solo." Uncle Pake said
"Oh my." I mumbled
"Do it bubs." Granny said
"Alright." I gave in
"Really? "Mama asked excited
"No." I stated
"Oh come on." She pouted
"I don't like singing in front of people." I admitted
"Please." Mama said poking her bottom lip out
"Not going to happen." I said
"What if I do back up?" She asked me
"Sorry." I said
"Fine." She sad
"Please Avia?" Grandma gave me her pleading eyes
"Oh alright." I said
"How come when I ask its a no, but when she asked you do it?" Mama asked
I shrugged my shoulders
"What song?" I asked
"Any of them." Grandma said
"I'm not singing unless I get a song." I told her
"So one of your mamas." She told me
"Reba you pick." Pake said
"I'm a survivor." Mama shrugged
"Fine." I said
Grandma smiled and nudged mama
"What?" Mama asked
"She's gonna do it!" Grandma said happily
"I was born three months too early, doctor gave me 30 day." I sang
"But I must've had my mamas will and Gods amazing grace."
I sang looking at mama
She had tears in her eyes "I guess I'll keep in living even if this loves to die for.
"Cause your bags are packed and I ain't crying, your walking out and I ain't trying to change your mind cause I was born to be."
"The baby girl without a chance, a victim of circumstance. The one who ought to give up, but she's just to hard headed."
"Single mom who works two jobs, who's loves her kids and never stops. With gentle hands and a heart of a fighter. I'm a survivor." I stopped after that
Everyone clapped and mama hugged me tight
"Why don't you like singing in front of people. You sound great." Grandma asked
"I don't know" I said
"Yes you do." She sassed
"I don't." I defended
"Mmhmm." She said
"what?" I asked clueless
"You know why you don't sing." I answered
"I really don't." I told her
"Sing something else." Daddy said p
"Like what?" I asked
"A thousand years?" Mama said
"Alright". I replied
"Should I play it on the piano too?" I asked
"Of course." Mama said
"Ugh, why do I ask questions I know the answers to." I said
She laughed and playfully fit my arm
"Ouch!" I whined
"It wasn't that herd" she said
"Yes it was!" I whined again
"Was not." She said
"Grandma, she hit me." I tatled
"Reba." Grandma scolded
"I didn't hit her." She lies
"Yes she did." I whined
"Stop it you too." She demanded
"Just sing Avia." She said
We all worked into the formal living room where the piano was
I sat down at the piano and started to play
"Heart beats fast, colors and promises." I started to sing
"How to be brave, how do I love when I'm afraid to fall."
"But watching you stand alone, all of my doubts suddenly goes a way some how."
"One step closer. I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years.
"I'll love you for a thousand more. Time stands still, beauty in all she is."
"I will be brave, I will not let anything take away , standing in front of me.every breath, every hour has come to this."
"One step closer." I sang that rest of the song and they all were staring at me intently
"Is everyone happy?" I asked
They just keep staring at me
"I don't know." I shrugged
"Avia Grace." Mama said
"Yes?" I asked
"I'm so proud and amazed by you. I don't know what to say." She said
I smiled and blushed
She walked up behind me. Wrapped her arms around my neck and kisses my cheek
I giggled and kissed her cheek
"So I guess you all liked it." I said
They all nodded in shock
"Y'all could say something." I said
"Wow." Dad stuttered
"Amazing." Granny said
"Thanks." I said
"Good job baby." Grandma said
I smiled and stood up
Dad pulled me into a tight hug
I hugged him back and He kissed my head
I'm so proud of you baby." He said
"Thanks." I said
We all walked back Into the family room
Mama and daddy snuggled up again on the couch
"Can Ryan come over." I asked
"Sure." Dad said
I texted Ryan and told him to come over.
"He been here in five minutes." I said
"Alright' mama said
As we were talking I heard the door bell ring
I jumped up and ran to answer it
"Hi baby." I said
"Hi." He smiled
I kissed him and grabbed his hand and walked into the family from
I snuggled up to him on the chair
Ryan is like at big teddy bear, expect it's pure muscle
"You need more fat." I told him and he giggled
"Why?" He laughed
"You're not soft enough." I said poking his arm
"What do you mean?" He asked
"What ever you say babe." He kissed my temple
"I'm serious." I said
How long have you been together?" Aunt Susie asked
"A while." Ryan dragged the words out
"Little bit over two years." I answered
"That's so cute." She squealed
"I think she pretty cute." He cooed
I smiled up at him and he kissed my nose
Daddy fake cleared his throat
"Sorry." Ryan apologized
Dad remember the deal we had
"Yea." He replied eyeing Ryan
Dad!" I half yelled
"Don't yell at me." He scolded
"I'm not yelling, in getting your attention." I said
"you have it he said
"Relax, please." I told him
"Alright" he said
"Thank you." I said
"No problem" he said turning towards mom and rubbing her belly
"He's still sleeping." Daddy said
"Yep" mama replied
"Should we tell them." She whispered into his ear
He nodded
"Guys, we have announment." Mama said trying to get up
Dad helped her and stood up himself
"What is it baby?" Grandma asked
"Go ahead" dad told mama
"Well Brooks and Dunn and I are doing a two year residency in Las Vegas." She said excitedly
"We're moving?" I asked
"Yep!" She answered
I couldn't say anything
"What do you think Via?" Daddy asked not realize how hurt I was
"I-I" I couldn't speak
I just buried my face into Ryan shoulder
"Via, are you alright?" Dad asked concerned
I just ignored him. I was still in shock
"Via?" Mama asked me a little louder
I just look at her with tears and hurt in my eyes
"What's wrong?" She asked
"I'm mot moving." I stated
"What?" Dad asked
"I'm staying here." I answered
"I thought you would be happy about this." Dad said in disbelief
"How would I be happy about moving to a completely new place for senior year?" I asked
"You're homeschooled. I we thought it would be easy!" Mama said
"How would it be easy?" I asked
"Avia, we have to do this." Dad said
"No, you do. I don't" I spat
"You aren't old enough to live alone." Mama said
"You aren't old enough to live alone." Mama said "No, Avia." Dad demanded
"I'm not moving." I stated
"Yes, you are." He said
I didn't acknowledge what he said
"Avia Grace" mama said sternly
"What." I said
"Watch your tone." She scolded "we are moving and that's the last you'll hear of it." She said sternly
"I'm not going." I said
"Yes." Dad said
Not going to happen." I mumble under my breath
"What was that?" Dad asked
"Avia." He boomed
"IM NOT GOING." I yelled
I got up and so did Ryan. I grabbed his hand and ran up to my room. I slammed the door behind Ryan. I could hear a commotion downstairs but I knew it as grandma defending me. I ran back downstairs
"Go back to your room" mama told me
"I'm not going to let her fight for me. When I can do it."
"You aren't going to win" dad said
"I know that, this is our fight. Not between you too and her." I said
"What's the point in fighting?" Dad
"How could you think I would be okay with this." I asked
"It's a change." Dad said
"I hate change dad." I said
"So you hate the baby?" Mama asked
"What. Absolutely not. Why would you ever think that?" I asked confused
"You hate change, and when he gets here there is going to be a hell of a lot of it." Mama told me
"I know that mama, he is a exciting change. I can wait to see to how much better he is going to make our family. Moving across the country again is not." I said
"It can be exciting." She told me
"Moving to a place where you know nobody." I said
"Ronnie and Kix" she said
"They are your friends mama." I reminded her
"They are your uncles." She said
"I know, but you'll be working and I'm the one stuck at home." I stated
"You'll be working with me"
"What are you talking about?" I asked confused
"You'll be in Vegas with me."
"I know, How would I be working with you?" I asked
She shrugged her shoulders
"When are we going?" I asked
"We are leaving in a few weeks." Dad repeated
"What?" I asked in shock
"We are leaving in a few weeks." Dad repeated
"Why didn't you guys tell me sooner?" I asked hurt
"We just made an offer on a house." He said
"We are not selling this house." I stated
"Avia, we'll be back in two years." Dad said
"So youre not selling it?" I asked
"I don't think so." Mama said
"Thank you." I said relieved
She laughed and shook her head
"If I go, can I do real school out there?" I asked
"Yes." Daddy told me
"Then, I will think about going." I sassed
"Really?!" Mama asked defeated
"Maybe." I said
"Avia, there really isn't anything you can do." Mama said
I just suppressed an eye roll
"Via." Dad said
"Yeah?" I asked
"I'm sorry, but I think this will be easier for all of us."
"How?" I asked
"We won't have to move back and forth from Vegas to Nashville
"It's not fair." I said getting emotional
"It's not forever." Dad said
Uncle Pake wrapped his arms around my shoulders from behind me
"It's okay Via." He said
"What about my friends and Ryan?" I asked
"You have a phone." Mama said
"Mama." I cried
"What? We can fly Ryan out to see you." He said
"I'm not happy about this." I spat
"I'm sorry." Mama said
"we are moving before or after he is born?" I asked
"Before." Mama said
"I can't believe this." I said
"It's the best we can is right now." Dad said
"She can't fly in her third trimester and she can't move anything." I said
"I know." Dad replied
"Who's idea was this." I asked
"Mine." Mama said "we'll move before the third trimester
"I don't know how to feel right now." I said
"It is a lot to take in." Dad said
"Why can't we move after he is born." I asked
"It will be too much to juggle, he'll be too little." Daddy said
"Ohh, how long did you guys know about this?" I asked
"About two days, but we have been brainstorming for a while." Mama said
"Oh." I said
"Yea." Daddy said
"Come here bubs." Mama said
I walked over to her and sat down
"No over here." She pointed to where she was standing."
I stood up beside her
She pulled me into a tight hug
I hugged her back just as tight
"I'm sorry baby, but we have to do this." She said
"I know." I said into her shoulder."I love you." She said
"Love you too." I said through my teeth. Ryan came back into the room
"Sorry Via, I gotta go to to practice, I text you later. He said with a red face and eyes
"What's wrong sweetie?" I asked concerned
"I'm going to miss you so much." He started crying, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer. He just cried into my neck
"I'm going to miss you too baby." I said getting chocked up. I ran my fingers through his hair. I pulled enough to look at him but I stopped when my hands met his red cheeks
"Your not going to lose me, We FaceTime and text all day everyday. I'm going to be here as much as I can, I promise." I told him
"What if you meet someone new, someone better?" He asked
"That's not going to happen, you have my heart and have had it for 2 years and I don't plan on taking it from you for a long, long time.
This is going to make stronger, not fall apart." I told him
"Don't go baby." He cried
"I really don't want to, but I have to go. I don't have a chose." I told him
"Are you sure you don't have a chose?" He asked. I just nodded my head,
"I love you Ryan. No one is going to change that. I promise." I told him
"I love you too Avia." I kissed him and wrapped by arms around him. I looked at my mom and she had tears in her eyes.
"Why don't you go up to my room and pick out a movie and I'll be up In minute with some food?"
"I have practice." He said sadly
"No you don't, your hanging out with me today. We can't watch Madea by the way." I said
"Why not?" He asked
"Because River tried to eat it last night."I told and he laughed. He kissed me again and went up stairs.
"I'm really sorry Bubs." Mama said following me into the kitchen. I go to the freezer to look for the ice cream and its was gone.
"Where the ice cream go?"
"Baby got hungry last night." She said shyly
"Ugh I guess I'm going to the store then." I said and Ryan came back downstairs
"How about We're The Miller's Via?" He asked
"Sounds good, do you want to go to the store with me? The baby decided to eat all of the ice cream last night." I asked
"Sure, I'll drive." He said. He kissed me and went out to start the car. I walked back into the living room
"Can McKenzie, Robbie, and Jake come over later? I need to tell them." I asked
"Sure baby." Mama answered
"Okay, we'll be back." I said
"Hey Bubs come here." Mama said. She pulled me Into a hug and said
"You know we're not doing this to hurt you right?"she asked. I didn't acknowledged the question. She pulled away just enough to look at me. She wiped a stray tear off my cheekbone with her thumb.
"Have fun with Ryan, I love you." She kissed my cheek.
"Thanks" I said and left
A few hours later...
"We're back!" I yelled but no response. There was a notes on the island in the kitchen.
We all went to the city for dinner and a show. We won't be back for a while so just order pizza for dinner. Don't stay up to late . Love you
"Looks like we have the house to ourself." Ryan said wrapping his arms around me from behind and kissing my cheek.
"Yep" i said and he started kissing up and down my neck. i hop up on the counter He puts his hands on my waist and he kissed me. My phone started ringing and it was Mama
"She really knows has to kill a moment doesn't she?" i asked and Ryan laughed. I picked up my phone
"Hey Mama." i said
"Hi baby are you guys home yet?" She asked
"Yep we just got in, and i just read the note. Isnt someone is suppost to be in on bed rest?" i asked
"The doctor said that i can start doing more." She said proudly
"Mama." I said in a disapointed voice
"Its fine baby, I promise. He is going to be okay." She said asurring me
" I don't like this Mama." She said
"Via, its okay." She said
"How do you know?" I asked concerned
"Because he is kicking me right now." She giggled
"He misses me and want you to come home and relax." I sassed
"Sweetheart, we are both fine. I wouldnt' have gone if i didn't think so. Are your friends at the house yet?" She asked
"Nope its just Ryan and I right now." She said
"Avia Grace." She said Sternly
"Nothing is going to happen Mama
"Nothing better happen!" She said
"It won't ." I said
"I got to go Avia but if I come home and find out you did do it your in HUGE trouble!!!" She said
"Mama, you should know me and trust me enough that NOTHING is going to happen." I sassed
"Okay well I love you sweetheart have fun with your friends. Text or call me later, love you!" Reba said
"Love you too." I told her
"Bye baby!" She said
"Bye Mama." I said and hung up
"What was that conversation about?" Ryan asked
"How we're not going to anything." I answered
"Oh." He said
"What?" I asked
"Nothing." He said The doorbell rang. He kissed me once more and went to get the door
"Hey guys! Come on in!" I said opening the door. Jake had brought the pizza with him
"Yeah, he is the kitchen
"Okay." He said heading to the kitchen
"Babe, can you get the plates out?" I asked him
"Yup!" He said getting them all plates
"Thanks." I said
"No prob!" He said kissing my cheek
"Do you guys want to eat in the family room?" I asked them
"Yeah sure!" They all said walking into the family room. We all sat on the floor. I rested my back against the couch and Ryan wrapped his arm around me
"Hey baby." He said to me
"Hi darlin." I smiled
"What's up?" He asked
"I don't want to leave." I said sadly
"I know baby! I don't want you to leave either!" He said
"What do you mean you're leaving?" McKenzie asked confused
"Um" She trailed off
"There is no easy way in saying this but I'm moving." I stated
"You're kidding?" They asked. I shook my head no with tears in my eyes. Mckenzie walked over and hugged her crying into her.
"How far?" Robbie asked
I was so choked up I couldn't answer
"Vegas." I mumbled
"OMG!!!" Mckenzie said crying harder. Ryan tightened his arm around me
"It's not fair I'm the one kicked around." I cried
"I'm going to miss you like crazy!" Mckenzie said
"ITS NOT FAIR." I cried
"No it's not..." She said
"I shouldn't be moved around because of their career." I said
"Yeah." Kenz said
"Hey guys!" Mama said walking in happy. I whipped the tears from my eyes.
"Hi." I said sadly
"Baby what's wrong?" Momma asked
"I'm leaving my best friends." I cried into Ryan
Mama just stood there, She felt so bad
"Why does she have leave?" Kenzie asked
"Um" Reba just lost her words and started to look for Narvel for help
"Because we're not living without our daughter." He said
"But daddy I don't want to go!" She said
"You're going. That's it." Mama stated. I ran upstairs to my room and cried into my pillow
"Bubs?" Mama said
"Leave me alone!" I snapped
"Please talk to me." She pleaded
"Not now mama!" I said
"Come on the baby's kickin! He wants to see you!" She said leaning against the door
"Not NOW." I cried
She waddled through the door and sat on my bed
"Mama I told you NOT NOW." I said to her
"I need to make sure you are okay." She said
"I'm fine now leave me alone. Like I'm leaving my boyfriend and friends." I said and moved farther away from her
"I'm sorry honey." She said
"See there's the thing you're really not!" I snapped
"AVIA YES I AM." She yelled
"If you were we wouldn't be moving all the way to FREAKING VEGAS!!!!!" I said
"Don't yell at me." She said sternly
"Don't yell at me!!!" I spat
"Look sweetheart, it's killing me seeing this hurt because of me." She said
"yeah well." I said trailing off and standing up off the bed
"Come here." She said
"No" I said flat out
"Yes." She stated
"NO" I said again
"You are really going to make your pregnant mama waddled all the way over there?" She sassed because she knew I would give in I walked over to her and hugged her not tightly. She wrapped her arms around my neck. I placed my hands on her belly and sure enough my brother was kicking.
"Do you have to want me when I'm mad at her?" I asked him, He kicked. Mama giggled
"How far along are you? When will I meet this little troublemaker!" I asked not making eye contact
"I'm 6 and a half months so early March or late February." She answered
"Ugh." I said kissing her belly. I didn't look at her
"Can you look at me?" She said
"I could, but I don't want to." I sassed
"Via please." She said
"Why mom." I asked not looking up
"Because I want to look at my beautiful daughter." She said
"Mama I can't do it, I can't do this."I said walking away from her. She grabbed my hand
"Yes you can." She said
"Mom I can't leave my friends I can't do it." I said pulling away from her grip and walking out
"Sweetheart I know it's hard but you can do it." She said
"NO I CANT!" I yelled. Dad came into my room
"NO IM SICK OF THIS!" I said breaking down in the hall. Ryan was right by my side
"I find love in my life and great friends and you just want me to up and leave them. That might be easy for you two but not for me!!!! And no saying "oh sweetie you're strong!" Or "oh sweetheart you'll get through it an over it!" DOES NOT HELP!" I said
"Were sorry honey, but we have to do this." Mama said. I ran downstairs and out the door slamming it behind me and sitting in the porch swing.
"Avia?" Grandma asked
"Yes?" I asked sniffling and looking the other way
"Can I talk to you?" She asked
"If it's only you." I said
"It's only me." She said. I moved my legs up to my chest making room for her.
"Why are you doing this to her?" She asked
"Why am I doing this to her! Why is she doing this to ME!!!!" I said
"She's not doing this to hurt you honey." She said
"Then why is she doing this!!!! Because all it's doing is HURTING ME!" I said
"Because it's helping her career." She said
"She's having a baby grandma!" I said
"For after when the baby is born." She said
"And then she's going to forget about me and the baby." I mumbled under my breath
"Is that why you're this hurt?" She asked
"She's going to forget me when the baby's born." I said
"No she's not baby." She said
"Everyone will It's just a known fact. When the baby comes everyone is going to come and see how mom and baby are doing. Not "oh Avia how you doing!" I'm going to be in the corner and no ones going to even see me sitting there." I said
"Oh sweetheart." She said hugging me. I cried into her
"Can I just be alone right now grandma?" I asked her
"Of course you can." She said to her
"Thanks for everything, I love you." I told her
"You're welcome sweetheart! Just holler if you need me!" She said standing up
"I will." I said

The Life Of Avia GraceWhere stories live. Discover now