New Beginnings

853 31 13

"||𝙹⚍∷ ⍑╎⊣⍑リᒷᓭᓭ, ℸ ̣ ⍑╎ᓭ..ᓵ∷ᒷᔑℸ ̣ ⚍∷ᒷ ∴ᔑᓭ ∷𝙹ᔑᒲ╎リ⊣ 𝙹⚍ℸ ̣ ᓭ╎↸ᒷ 𝙹⎓ ℸ ̣ ⍑ᒷ ᓵᔑᓭℸ ̣ ꖎᒷ. ∴ᒷ ↸𝙹リ'ℸ ̣ ꖌリ𝙹∴ ∴⍑ᔑℸ ̣ ╎ℸ ̣ ╎ᓭ ʖ⚍ℸ ̣ -" the guard was cut off. "||𝙹⚍'∷ᒷ ↸╎ᓭᒲ╎ᓭᓭᒷ↸." the king hushed him. "ʖ⚍ℸ ̣ -" the king hadn't even said anything, but based on his expression alone he caused the guard to step down and back away. I was laid on the ground, curled into a ball with my tail around myself. I couldn't understand them. And I was to focused on *the pain* I felt. I had been playing around with some friends just outside of the castle when one shoved me into the water. It hurt. My body felt like it was on fire. I felt tears fill my eyes as I started crying, just causing me more pain than before.

I can't remember what happened after that. I just remember everything going black for a while. The pain eventually stopped, that was really it. After a while, I felt myself come to, feeling something warm wrapped around me. I pulled it over myself more, smiling some as I looked around. This was a big room. I think I heard some mumbling too. "Mr. Minecraft, he's awake." I heard. Who-..Who were they talking about?? I quickly pushed myself up, growing colder as the blanket sprawled over me dropped off of my shoulders.

I watched as a blonde-


The king

walked over to me. I had never seen him up close. He had a bandanna covering his eyes. I wonder why.

"Hello." he smiled, crouching onto his knees. I flinched back, feeling myself bump into a wall. I anxiously stared at the king, scared to why I was here. "Hey, it's alright, calm down. I just wanna talk." he said calmly. His voice was soft. I felt comforted by him. I slowly moved back to where I was. "What's your name?" he asked. I think I could understand him better now, since earlier my ears were filled with water. "⍀..⍀⏃⋏⏚⍜⍜.." I replied quietly. I could understand the other, but wasn't that good at talking like he did. "Ah, Ranboo is it?" he tilted his head, a smile across his face. "Nice to meetcha mate." he said, reaching his hand out. 

I hesitated for a moment before slowly reaching over and shaking his hand. "Tell me about yourself, Ranboo." he said, pulling his hand away after a moment. "⎍⊑⋔..⟟'⋔ ⌿⏃⍀⏁ ⟒⋏⎅⟒⍀⋔⏃⋏..⟟ ⊑⏃⎐⟒ ⏚⏃⎅ ⋔⟒⋔⍜⍀⊬..⏃⋏⎅..⟟'⋔ 10.." I replied, glancing away. "Alright, hm, how about this, I can show you around the castle some, and you can make yourself at home! How's that sound?" he said, tilting his head again as he smiled. I nodded and smiled back quickly, sliding off the bed I had been sat on. "Stay close now," he said, standing up, his wings opening for a moment to adjust. He walked out of the room, and I followed close behind him. The guards scared me, with their big swords and armor.

"Techno, meet your new roommate! Ranboo." the king stopped, nodding his head towards another kid, who looked like a teenager. He looked like a piglin. Piglins are scary. I hid behind Phil some, curling my tail up a bit. "Aw, no need to be scared, mate! Techno ain't gonna hurtcha." the king said, crouching down to me. I nodded, "⎍⊑⋔..⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜.." I waved. The other paused for a moment before saying, "⊑⟒..⌰⍜..?" He seemed to struggle speaking in the other language. "Good job!" the king nodded, patting the older kid's head. "Dad I-" the kid stopped himself, seemingly getting embarrassed. "Did you just call me dad?" the king smiled, looking like his heart was warmed. "No!" the kid shouted back, crossing his arms. "I didn't call you dad!"

The king chuckled, rubbing Techno's head some. The prince giggled some as well, a smile covering his face. I watched, stepping back a bit. "Can he understand English?" the prince asked. "Yep." the elder nodded. "He can only speak in the enderman language though, we'll have to work on tha-" the king was cut off. "Your highness-! The kingdom is under attack!" the guard said, rushing over. Phil quickly stood up, his wings opening, "Technoblade, get Ranboo to the room, be quick." he said, following the guard away.


Words: 713

This is my first time actually posting one of my stories here so yeah ':]

this was a au i made a while ago so my writing is a bit eh because it's like a month old probably lmao

anyway i'm probably gonna post like a ton of chapters and then disappear because it's already written some lmAOOIJUGSKHDJKE

The Tale of the Blood PrinceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz