A new problem.

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-POV switch.



I woke up, feeling immense pain. What had happened? I couldn't remember. I was so stressed, and all I remember is pain. I groaned, and felt my eyes adjust to a sudden light. Well, one eye adjusted, the other just- I could only see bright colors of each thing, making it hard to see. "Ph..Phil.." I groaned. A figure ahead of me turned, facing me. He had large wings, and a bandage across his face. He quickly ran over and caught me when my body went to collapse. "Ranboo-! What the hell are you doing here?" he shouted. "I-I-" I went to reply, but I felt too weak to manage to force the words out. "Ranboo, wake up.." Phil said. Wh- Wait- no-! Phil-!

I slowly came to, feeling something wrapped tightly around my face. "Aurgh.." I growned, glancing around weakly. It hurt to do anything at all. "Ranboo-!" I heard someone sitting next to the bed I was laid on. "Ph..il..?" I quietly, tried to glance over, my head aching from a headache that struck me. "N..No.." the monotone voice hesitantly replied. I was glad it was Techno this time, feeling like I'd cry if I saw Phil again. Now that I realized it, I could hardly *see* in general. "Ranboo just..keep resting." I heard the monotone voice speak again, in a calming manor which made me smile. "I'll explain it all when you wake up.." he added on, and I gave a subtle nod, slowly falling back asleep.


-POV switch.



"Charlie!" I heard my name called from the other room, and I walked in, "Yea?" I tilted my head some as I looked over at my 'teacher', Foolish. "He's awake." he spoke again. I glanced past him at the enderman laying on the bed. The enderman moved around some, looking over, "E-..Eh?" he looked at me. "Oh, hello!" I waved, smiling. "I'm Charlie!" I said. "I'm..Ran-Ranboo.." he mumbled in response. "Nice to meet you!" I smiled, stepping closer. "Let him rest some, he's probably still really exhausted." Foolish said. I nodded. "I'm-..I'm alright..enough to talk at least.." He mumbled, some small stammers through words. "Tell me about yourself!" I said, smiling at the other as he nodded.

Me and Ranboo quickly grew to be best friends, two months later though, is when stuff began going...south.


-POV switch.



"PLEASE! JUST LEAVE TUBBO ALONE!" I screamed, trying to yank myself away from the dumbass who held my arms tight behind my back. "And what if we don't?" the asshole of a king spoke, a mocking tone in his voice. "I'll make you let go of him!" I shouted, trying to pull myself away still. I watched as my best friend, Tubbo, was pulled away by that- what the fuck is he anyway? A creeper? I don't care. "Tommy-!" he shouted, trying to get away as well. I yanked myself away, stumbling forward, only to see the sword that the jerk king held shoot up towards Tubbo's face, resting under his chin. I clenched my fish, glaring at him. "Tommy, just go! I'll be alright!" the brunette smiled at me, and I glanced away, frowning, "I'll be back Tubbo! Don't worry!" I shouted before turning to run, hoping Tubbo would be alright.


-Tw - blood, violence


"Go after him." I heard quietly as I began running, causing me to try to run faster. I felt fear overwhelm me as I heard the tapping of feet against the ground. An arrow shot past, narrowly missing my arm distracted me long enough for a second arrow to strike my leg, causing me to fall and collapse. I quickly pushed myself up, starting to run again despite the new slight limp I had. I felt blood drip down my leg, dripping down into the grass as I ran through the forest. I felt another arrow strike me in the back, causing me to fall again. I clenched my fist and fought back a scream, pushing myself back up to stumble while trying to run. I needed to at least get to one of the guards in our kingdom. So I ran.

"J-Jack-!" I called out as I approached, arrows stabbing though my legs, some piercing all the way, others half, and my arms and back shot some as well. I instantly collapsed, feeling all my strength from running just leave me. "Tommy?! What the hell-!" I vaguely heard, watching as Jack looked from me to around the forest some. He carefully lifted me up, and I passed out.


-End of tw

-Mini recap - Tommy was basically chased back to the kingdom and was shot with arrows ':]


When I woke up again, I was laying in the infirmary, bandages around my arms, legs, and chest. I groaned and opened my eyes slightly, and let them adjust to the light. I glanced around, seeing that enderman guy that had been here for years, some apprentice medic, and Foolish, the medic I had always known. I sat up, groaning once more as my body ached. "Hey, try not to move a bunch, since you got shot by a buncha those arrows it'll probably hurt to move and-" I quickly cut the apprentice off, "I'm fine, I need to talk to Techno though." Foolish spoke up after, "Tommy, listen to him. Charlie, why don't you go get Techno for the two." he then added on. The apprentice, who I assumed must've been named Charlie, nodded and got up.

After a few minutes Techno walked into the room, stepping over, "What is it?" he tilted his head. I quickly jumped up and rushed up to him, nearly collapsing, "Tubbo! That asshole took Tubbo!" I shouted, "Who-?" Techno stepped back, staring at me. "That king from the other kingdom!" I replied. Techno glared for a moment, "What were you doing over there." He said sternly. I could tell Ranboo and Charlie also flinched back from the serious tone his voice took. "ME AND TUBBO WERE FORCED! We were just walking through the forest and some dumbass guards came over and brought us to that fucking 'king'!" I shouted, stepping towards Techno.

"I'll deal with this, stay here-" I cut him off, grabbing his wrist, "I'm not leaving Tubbo there! I promised I'd go back for him!" I shouted, stomping my foot on the ground. "No, I'm getting the guards. I just want you to stay here and rest." he sternly spoke, glaring at me some. I glared back. He pulled his arm away, and left, closing the door behind him. I sighed, sitting back down angrily. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot on the ground angrily, staring down at the floor.


Words: 1103

i'm trying to remember to post these lol i'm sorry

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