Love at first sight?

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On a cold late Tuesday,London was raining heavily as Morgana was walking to her home.She felt a light tap on her shoulders and said.
'AHHH!oh gosh Angor Rot you scared me'
Angot Rot:
'My apologies my lady

Move out of my way Angor rot!!
*Angor Rot sighs*
Anways hello Eldritch Queen I came here to ask you what wicked schemes are you planning to do?
More than you expect,and the first one is talking to Angor first!
*Ughh*Gunmar said secretly
Angor Rot:
Thank you my queen as i was saying i overheard Gunmar planning to over through you as the leader

He he he he he he WAIT WHAT!??!
Angor Rot:
I know my queen this is very hard to take in but please take a deep breath
Ok ok your right *takes a deep breath*Anyways be gone now Angor Rot if Gunmar says anything about me again inform me immediately
Angor Rot:
Yes my lady.

Angor Rot x Morgana #AnganaWhere stories live. Discover now