Chapter 9

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Hello One and All in Interweb Land!

So I decided to get this out a little earlier than planned cause it'll take me some time to work on the next chapters mainly for the fact things are getting a little hectic with me soon. Nothing bad just going to be a pain to deal with. So the next few chapter might be coming out later for some time. Sorry for the inconvenience there, but life, know what I'm saying?

With that little PSA out of the way lets get into the chapter!

In this chapter we're going to see the rematch of the...well...the three Demons getting their ass handed to them...again...kinda lost steam there huh?

Oh well!

For timeline sakes, this chapter is following the same day as the previous one started just to let you know.

Read on and I hope you like!


"I'm telling you it can work." Angel Dust said with some confidence in his voice.

"Are we still on this? Didn't we just agree that your dumbass plan was indeed a dumbass plan?" Vaggie asked getting tired coming back to the same conversation this morning.

"Come on! Think of the cash flow we'll get from this!"

"It doesn't matter how much you'll get cause there is no way in hell this will work. Period!"

"How'd you know this will be a bust?"

"Mainly for the fact this whole 'brilliant plan' of yours hinges on Mister Sunshine there going along with this, which is NEVER going to happen." She retorted.

"Oh, I can be persuasive in my ways if I have too." He said in a sexy voice.

"And we all know how that'll end, with you getting rejected again and looking like an idiot. Face it Angel, you got no chance of convincing him to ever do this or anything you want so just drop it already."

"Oh ye of little faith. This might come to a surprise for you but once I get my sights on something I rarely say quits, that includes digging my claws into his dino ass and dragging it to my bed...wait does he even have an ass I can pounce on?" He wondered out loud mainly to himself but was still heard.

"...I can't tell if you're saying that just to fuck with us all or you really want to sleep with him?" She said looking confused and put off at the same time.

"Maybe both yes and no, I'm a rather complicated bitch if you haven't notice." Angel said with a smug look on his face.

"Yeah your fucking with us alright." Vaggie concluded.

"...What did I just walk into?" Charlie asked looking bewildered at what she heard.

Charlie came in on the middle of Angel's and Vaggie's conversation and missed the whole 'get rich scheme' and went right into 'have sex with Godzilla' so she was a little unconfirmable at what she heard.

"Miss Vagatha was trying to tell Mister Dust his plan to get the bounty will not work and the conversation somehow led into...well what you heard." Moe explained as he hovered with the others.

"Yeah that asshole can to turn any conversation like it was some phone sex session no matter what. And does it get annoying fast." Husk said taking a swing of his booze.

"Must be a talent, kinda amazing if you think about it." Niffty added not really bother by it.

"I rather not, bad enough he bugs me about this shit too so knowing anything about is 'talent' is a hard pass for me." Husk grunted at the thought.

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