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Ashoka couldn't move, she could feel eyes on her to the left. She wasn't bound, but the tension coursing through the room was enough to keep everyone still. Anakin would probably refer to it as a hostile hostage situation. The coffee shop windows had been closed off with blinds, as ordered by the murderer that paced eagerly around the room.

As far as Ashoka could see, there wasn't a weapon in reach. At least not to her, there was a cell phone at Bariss's feet. Before she could raise her voice to alert the other moves were made.

Bariss and another girl ran forward and tried to attack the killer, The long skirt sweeping over the phone and kicking it across the room.

Rex felt a little object run into his feet, locking his gaze forward. Plo Koon looked at him from where he was sitting on his knees on the floor. Realization hit him like a bag of bricks.

It's a cell phone, and now he has the risky job of alerting the other cops in town. Perfect, just perfect.

Could Rex even reach it in time before the killer noticed? Ashoka tightened next to him. He could feel the slight shaking in her tanned arm against his skin.

Bariss had made a mistake, and Ashoka squeezed her eyes shut. Suddenly there was a noise of a electronic relations.

Anakin looked around frantically, watching Plo's son hide the phone under the crook of his collar. It was noticeable only from where they were, and Anakin was grateful they had such smart children.

Rex knew the numbers by heart, as any son of a police officer should. He let it ring, thinking the same thing over and over.

"105 Brige Drive-" He muttered, before the killer took notice of him.

The serial killer had been a problem in their town for weeks. Ashoka had watched so many people disappear...

And so many memorials, now she was going to be one of them.

Suddenly the glass in the shop window shattered, and on instinct she knocked anyone close to her over to shield them from the glass. A glass shard dug into her orange skin, making her cry out as the hostage took to the cold tiles.

Since this killer had been a problem for a while, the FBI had gotten involved, and Ashoka watched as the building filled with black armored officers that took the killer down swiftly. It all happened so fast!

As the fighting ensued she watch officer Obi Wan start releasing Anakin and the others, screaming at the teens to move. Ashoka couldn't, she was paralyzed by fear.

Arms snuck under her knees and behind her back. Glass crunched beneath Rex's feet as he picked her up and led the others out the back door. Ambulances and other cars started to form a c around the building as Rex set her down.

Shards of glass were on just about every limb on her skin, but thankfully missed anything vital. The only problem was the big one on her thigh, which Ashoka left alone. Most of the children started running to the cars, but Ashoka pushed Rex's attempts to grab her away.

"What are you doing!"

"Trying to relax, you should too I'm not moving again that was a lot." She answered bluntly, before her face softened with red, "You should have left me there Rex that was risky."

"Yeah but then I wouldn't get to do this."

He leaned over and kissed her, moments later the small town erupted into cheers over the successful capture.

GUYS DONT BE MAD I CAN EXPLAIN. I meant to publish this forever ago and saved it to drafts.

Happy may the fourth :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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