Chapter 11

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The hotel, 3:00am

3rd POV

Aliyah woke up to the sound of screaming and gunshots,immediately in panic mode. She hastily looked around the unfamiliar room, wondering where she was.

Was she kidnapped? If so, then she's happy that the kidnappers didn't bother to go all out.

She jumped out of bed and ran into the living room in search of Connor, even though most hopes were lost that he'd be there if she was kidnapped. There was still a tiny chance though.

Aliyah almost immediately spotted the room across from her, which was probably where Connor was. She burst open the door, not caring about manners at the time. Couldn't blame her though.

She found a sleeping Connor, tangled in blankets with dark circles under his eyes. She let out a quick sigh of relief.

The screaming and guns were still going strong, so she ran over to him and shaked him in an attempt to wake him up.
A few seconds later, the sleepy teen finally opened his eyes.

He was definitely caught off guard, from the gunshots.
"What in the world is going on?" he asked as he jerked up into a sitting position.

"That's what I should be asking you! It's literally 3 in the night, and I'm waking up to the sound of gunshots!" Aliyah complained.

"Let me sleeeeep" Connor whined, falling back and sinking into the covers.

Aliyah blinked her eyes for a few seconds. And then came Connor's death.


Connor flinched, since he had never heard Aliyah cuss or shout. He always thought she was one of those innocent, quiet girls. Boy, was he wrong.

And now he was going to have to pay the price.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I'll get up" He apologized, lifting his hands in surrender.

Ali ignored him "Where are we anyway?".

Connor sighed as he forced himself to sit up "We're at the hotel. I carried you here last night because you wouldn't wake up."

They flinched at another gunshot and some more screaming. "Where is she?! Answer me or die!" A rough voice had commanded.

"The Girl is Okay! Isn't that all you need to know?!" a familiar girl countered, with a slightly louder voice.

Ava. He had Ava.

The both widened their eyes and Connor jumped out of bed.

"We need to get Ava!!" Aliyah stated.

"We need to go!!" they both said at the same time.

Connor shaked his head as he grabbed her hand and dragged both of them to the nearest window.

"What are you doing?!" 

"Getting you out of here!" he answered

"You can't expect me to just leave like this, do you?"

"Don't you get it? You're the one in most trouble here!"

"Why? Cause I'm a stupid princess?"

"You are not stupid!"

They both tensed up as they heard Ava scream, probably in pain.

"Look, I don't know about you, but I'm not leaving without her! I'm a princess aren't I? I'm supposed to be protecting these people, not running away! He's just gonna hurt more people to get to me. Would you rather we try to keep everyone safe, and gain their trust, or run away and get their disgust?"

Connor hated that she was right. He rushed after her as she followed the screams.


She stopped and turned around, clearly annoyed "What, you're gonna drag me out now?".

Connor rolled his eyes "The elevator will be a dead giveaway. Follow me."

They ran down to the other side of the hall, and raced down the emergency stairs to the lobby, where some people dressed in black with matching guns blocked their exit. Through the tiny window, she also saw Ava tied to a chair. A guy was with her, he was slowly piercing a needle in her left hand, making her scream in pain. She still had a look of determination and anger on her face though.

Aliyah's face soon turned to shock but it switched to anger.

Connor gave her a smirk "I have a feeling those bastards will regret touching your best friend."

"No, they'll regret ever being born" She countered, with a smirk of her own.

She took out her pocket knife but Connor stopped her.

"Save that for a last resort. I don't think they'd be prepared for some knife combat from a royal. It'll give us the upper hand when we need it. Take this instead." He said, handing her a semi-automatic pistol(search that up). Aliyah opened the cartridge and found 45 ACP bullets. She smiled "I think this is where the phrase 'expect the unexpected' comes in".

Connor took out a pistol of his own, smirking at her remark.

They both took a deep breath.


"I was ready before I was born."


A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't found a picture for Connor yet T^T.

I'd also like to warn you, that next week I might not post because I'm having a writers block :,(.

But then at the same time, I PROMISE TO TRY MY BEST. 

See ya next chapter (ゝω・ )ノ

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