~Chapter 4~

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The diamond man, who had introduced himself as Skeppy, led Bad through the manor. Bad had to admit, the place was very intimidating, with tall hallways lined with red carpet and gold sconces on the walls. Everything made him feel either small or poor, or insignificant in some way. Eventually Skeppy stopped in front of a pair of doors. He opened them, walking into a large bedroom.

"You can sleep here. It might be a little bit dusty, but it's better than the basement," the diamond man said, gesturing inside.

Bad walked in, taking in the grandeur of the room. He was awe-stricken at the lavish furnishings and expensive décor. The bed itself was three times the size of his bed back at home, covered in deep blue silk sheets and satin comforters. Large windows on either side of the bed stood curtained with silk drapes, looking out onto the garden, letting in plenty of natural sunlight. A wardrobe stood on one side of the room, next to a mirrored vanity and a chest of drawers. The other side of the room was occupied by a round table and two matching chairs. Against the wall was a bookshelf, its shelves occupied by cobwebs and a book here or there. A small but still fancy chandelier hung from the ceiling, candles ready to be lit.

"Oh my goodness," Bad breathed, wondrously admiring it all. "Are all of the rooms here like this? Everything in here must be so expensive!"

Skeppy shrugged. "I guess. My room is a little bit bigger, but most of the rooms are about this size. Except for the library and the dining hall. Most rooms are empty servant chambers or other rooms like this one; the only ones I use are the kitchen, the library, my room, the study, and sometimes the dining hall." He listed them off on his fingers. 

"How many people live here?" Bad asked, sitting down on the bed. He felt tiny on such a large mattress.

"Just me and the wizard."

"What?! There's a wizard here?!" Bad asked incredulously. He had never met a wizard before, and didn't know if he should be frightened or excited.

"Yeah," Skeppy grinned mischievously. "I could introduce you to him if you want, but he might turn you into a frog."

"A frog?"

Skeppy shrugged. "A frog, maybe a duck, who knows..." He walked over to the bookshelf, picking up one of the books and examining it.

"Why does a wizard live here?" Bad asked. "Are you a wizard?"

"Ha, no... I own the mansion. The wizard lives here because..." Skeppy flipped through the book's old, thin pages, "he just decided to stay here." He snapped the book shut, returning it to the shelf.

"And you let him?" Bad didn't know why Skeppy would let a wizard, of all things, live in his mansion with him. Especially one that could turn people into frogs or ducks.


"Huh." Skeppy must have been really desperate for company if he just decided to let a wizard live with him. The thought gave Bad an idea; maybe Skeppy was lonely. It would explain why he had been so adamant about Bad staying for two weeks just because he picked a flower. The poor guy had a big, old mansion all to himself, with no one to talk to or-

"...around the south wing, okay?" Oh, muffins. Skeppy was telling him something, but Bad had been too caught up in his thoughts to hear it.

"Uhh, sure..." Bad said. Hopefully Skeppy hadn't been telling him anything too important.

"Good. I'll see you at the dining hall in half an hour then!" The diamond man smiled, and then he promptly walked out of the room, leaving Bad very confused.

What was happening in half an hour? And where was the dining hall? What was he supposed to do during the half hour before he went to the dining hall?

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