Begin Search

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“Come in!”
“Umm, headmaster? Have you seen Zero?” I question, peeking inside the silent room.
“Oh hello (y/n), no, I haven’t. He filed in his report around 10 minutes ago and I haven’t seen him since.”
“Oh-okay, thank you, I’ll be off now.”
“Is something the matter? Everything alright?”
“Yes, everything’s fine. Please don’t worry headmaster.”
And with that I left Chairman Cross’s office continuing my search for the male disciplinary committee member.
If Zero isn’t at the office, he might be in his dorm, perhaps. Guess I’ll just have to check.
The boy’s sun dorms are pretty quiet. Unlike the girl’s, always noisy, always gossiping about the night class. And at times even out at curfew to sneak pictures of the night class students. It’s so quiet and peaceful here until someone pops out of nowhere and starts yelling in my ear.
“Where do you think you’re going?” a furious voice asks.
“Class rep.! what are you doing here?”
“Hmm, I don’t know. I have no idea what I would be doing outside the boy’s dorms, considering I am a boy myself and patrolling is part of my job to make sure no one is sneaking out or, in this case, in as well!”
“Oh right sorry about that class rep.”
“Why are you here?”
“Oh, I came to see Zero. Is he here?”
“Sigh, instead of coming to check out boys, why don’t you go and study for once? It will help us all!”
“I’M NOT CHECKING THEM OUT, YEESSHHH!! I wanted to ask him something that’s all.”
“Will you tell me or not?”
“He’s not here. He hasn't reported in yet.”
“See that wasn’t hard. Bye now!”

Zero Kiryu x Reader: A tale of two loversWhere stories live. Discover now