family chapter 1

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I was getting ready while my family was up and ready for the day. *I hate going to school I can't believe this bullshit* I thought with a straight face covering up my scar on my temple. I hate a bad idea about today. "Honey come on hurry up before your late also your cousin is here" my dad yelled with a calm tone.

I put on my shoes as I tie the last knot I grab my bag and I slid on my jacket running down the steps while I jump down the last step I rolled on the ground and stood up then I zip up my jacket half way. "Ok I'm ready hey Chaser" I said with a bit of a smile.

"Hey squirt" my cousin said. I frown at that nickname. "You kids ready for school." My uncle Rebel asked with a smile. " Yeah I guess so" my cousin said with a bit of a smirk😒. "How about you sweetie" my dad asked. "...yeah I guess let's just get the day over with already before I get messed up again" I said with a straight face.

My family was a bit confused but shrugged. "Ok let's go then" I fallow my family out the door as I tossed one strap over my shoulder I was walking next to my cousin. I don't consider him a cousin I loved him as my brother. We are so close.

" I see you two are getting along I thought you two didn't like each other" my uncle mc said. " Chaser and I were eight and three at the time were teenagers plus we have so much in common" my dad smirks looking back at me. "Like what" I grin. "Music sports comics video games working on bikes cars and we like to cause trouble and we love to rustle each other don't we cous."

I smirk and tackles my cous off his seat." Hell yeah big bro" "oh it's on come here" we both started rustling in the back of the limo while my family watches us. When my cous pinned me under him and he smirks. " I win" he said before getting off. I roll my eyes sitting up then I sat on my seat the hole ride to school was a little boring.

When I got to school I had a sad and worried face as I gulp slightly."ok where here you two have fun." "Have a nice day Chaser" "bye dad" "later dad later uncle mc and ghost bye uncle Reb" my uncle Rebel smirks and waves bye to us. Chaser and I walked in the school and the second Chaser's friends saw him they ran over and started talking to him as they tried to walk away

I wanted to fallow but one if his friends looks at me. "Don't you have your own friends to hang out with" the guy asked. To be honest with ya I had to go down this path way to get to my locker.

"Can I not go to my locker and put my shit away" I said coldly making him cross his arms. " Hey dude what's goin on" my cousin came over and looked at us both. I shot a glare at the guy and he leans Down whispering, "watch your back or your going to get hurt today remember I know where you go during the day"

Growling slightly and lowly I crossed my arms walking away while bumping my arms Into him then I walked to my locker. When I sign I open my locker to put my book Inside but then I hear voice,s. Not wanting to pay attention I hear the kids talking about me they were smirking laughing quietly and
They kept looking at me in a certain way my uncle Reb use to tell me.

*Some boys are jerks and there sometimes after one thing and one thing only if someone ever eyes you to where you feel uncomfortable you turn the other way walk away or tell Chaser if you find yourself in a swituation you can't get out of by yourself

Try to get them to back off if not run as fast as you can to your cousin or back to the house because believe me there are men out there taking advantage of girls never trust boys if you ever feel scared never think that you will lose your strong kid and I know u are* those words my uncle Reb told me stuck with me ever sense I

Was six years old because I was being abused at school by some boys and I had a real bad fight I lost and that caused me to tell my uncle instead of my father Swift Hamato. * Just remember what uncle Reb said and you'll be fine* I thought before the bell rang.

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