Chapter 4: One not so merry christmas

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Caroline: okay so who all are we inviting to the party?

Madeline: definitely we will invite family, a few of our friends, and I think we should let Jason and Daniel invite their friends so they aren't bored, and we cou-

*baby crying*

Madeline: hold on the baby's up

Caroline: yeah better go get her!

Madeline: *talking to baby* good morning
sweet girl! Are you hungry?

Caroline: I'll go make her a bottle

Madeline: thanks. I need to change her diaper!

Madeline: *changes baby's diaper*

Caroline: bottles ready

Madeline: thanks! *starts feeding baby*

Madeline: Okay back to the party

Caroline: hey if it's too much for you right now
I can plan the party!

Madeline: are you sure?

Caroline: of course! I know having to take care of a 2 month old is hard

Madeline: it is! I feel bad though. You have a 5 year old!

Madeline: at least let me do the cards I have a picture we already got of Stella. We just never got around to making our Christmas cards

Caroline: you can do the cards if you want! If you want you can come ride with me to get the decorations

Madeline: yes! I need to get out the house

Caroline: okay let's go!

*drives to the store*

Madeline: I'm going to put her in the baby wearing carrier. I've never used it before!

Caroline: aww look how cute she looks in it!

Madeline: she's so tiny it looks like it's swallowing her!

*arrive at the store and goes in*

Caroline: Madeline look at those little pajamas!
They are too cute I'm totally getting those for her!

Madeline: aww those are so cute!

Caroline: okay decorations now!

Stella: *starts crying*

Madeline: she needs a diaper change. I'll be right back!

Caroline: okay I'll get the decorations!

Madeline: *talking to baby* oh no Stella girl you pooped through your clothes. Mommy doesn't have a change of clothes for you!

Madeline: *calls Caroline*

Caroline: what's up?

Madeline: hey can you buy Stella a onesie or something she pooped through her clothes and I don't have a change of a clothes

Caroline: oh no poor baby. Yeah I have those pajamas I was getting her.

Madeline: thank you so much!!

Caroline: anytime!

Madeline: okay see you in a sec

Caroline: Stella look what nanny's got!

Madeline: yay! clean clothes!

Madeline: her whole carrier is full of poop too!

Caroline: oh no gross!

Madeline: yeah I know! I'm just going to hold her so it doesn't get all over her new jammies

Caroline: good idea!

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