Chapter 24: One merry christmas!

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Madeline: ahh! there so much to plan!!
Caroline: Madeline, let's just have the Christmas party at my house this year.
Madeline: are you sure?
Caroline: yeah!
Madeline: okay!
Madeline: I'll get like food and invites together
Caroline: perfect
Stella: *walks to to the kitchen then trips and busts her nose*
Madeline: ooh Stella
Stella: *starts crying*
Madeline: baby! *picks Stella up* oh no your nose
Caroline: let me get the ice pack
Madeline: *takes ice pack from Caroline and puts it on Stella's nose*
Madeline: baby girl you gotta be careful!
Caroline: she's getting brave walking!
Madeline: I know! And she's a little clumsy like her mama.
Stella: *starts calming down*
Madeline: shh shh shh. It's okay baby. Look mamas gonna put Mickey Mouse on for you
Madeline: *turns tv on*
Stella: *points* *says baby gibberish*
Madeline: oh wow!!
Caroline: what'd she say?
Madeline: I have no idea
Caroline: *laughs*
Madeline: she says some stuff clearly but when she try's to talk sentences it's super jumbled and makes no sense
Caroline: she's still super young. She's only 13 months
Madeline: yeah!
*an hour later*
Stella: *passed out on the couch*
Caroline: aww sweet angel!!
Madeline: when Stella wakes up, we can bring her to get her Santa picture and Christmas presents
Caroline: sounds good! I'll get Daniel to pick addy up from school
*2 hours later*
Stella: *wakes up*
Madeline: hey sweet girl! Was that a good nap?
Stella: *reaches for madeline* mama
Madeline: *picks Stella up*
Madeline: let's go get you dressed.
Caroline: it's really cold out today
Madeline: yeah I'm gonna put her hat and coat on
Madeline: *dresses stella*
Caroline: let's go!
*go to the mall*
Madeline: *takes Stella's stroller out*
Madeline: I figured we can put all the gifts in the stroller and if she needs a nap she can take one
Caroline: perfect!
Madeline: Stella girl hold mamas hand
Stella: *grabs Madelines hand and starts walking inside*

 Caroline: it's really cold out today Madeline: yeah I'm gonna put her hat and coat onMadeline: *dresses stella* Caroline: let's go! *go to the mall* Madeline: *takes Stella's stroller out*Madeline: I figured we can put all the gifts in the stroll...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Madeline: oh my goodness! You're the cutest!
Caroline: she's doing so good!
Madeline: she'll get tired of walking soon and want to start crawling
Stella: *reaches for Madeline* mama
Madeline: *picks Stella up* I don't want her touches the nasty ground!
Caroline: yeah! Who knows what's been on that floor
*go inside*
Madeline: ooh it's warm in here. *takes Stella's hat and jacket off and puts bow on her*
Caroline: all ready to see Santa
Stella: tata?
Madeline: yeah baby! Santa!
Caroline: are you excited!!
*go in line for santa*
Madeline: we will see
Caroline: look baby! You see Santa
Stella: *points* tata!
Madeline: yeah!!
Stranger: Sha baby! She is just precious!
Madeline: aww thank you!
Stranger: has she met Santa before?
Madeline; no she was only two months old last year for Christmas so we didn't bring her. This is her first time!
Stranger: we'll hope she likes him!
Madeline: me too!
*they are next in line*
Madeline: Stella look at Santa!
Stella: tata!! Tata!
Caroline: yeah Santa!
Madeline: you want to go see Santa?
Stella: *points* tata!
Madeline: okay maybe this will work!
Worker: next
Madeline: *puts Stella on Mrs. Clauses lap*
Stella: *looks at santa* *starts crying*
Photographer: *snaps picture*

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