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Suki held Katara tight as she cried in her arms. She was devastated for her best friend, she was a crying wreck, and most likely was gonna be like that for the rest of the week.

"Shhh. Katara, you're gonna be better off without him." She slowly rocked her from side to side.

Suki tried her hardest to comfort Katara, but it seemed to do very little to her. Katara looked at her phone so she read the messages again, making sure this was all real, and if this had just happened.

Sadly for Katara this was indeed very real and heart shattering for her. She sniffled through her nose, trying her hardest to stop crying, but that didn't help one bit.

Katara just cried harder into Suki's red t-shirt, her mascara was definitely on Suki's shirt, and was indeed stained.

Her tears drenched Suki's right shoulder, her shirt soaked up all the warm salty tears.

Katara picked her head up, "S-Suki why did this... have to happen to m-me? I thought we were... happy together." She managed to get out with all the crying and sniffling.

Suki knew damn well that they were not happy together. The two were toxic, they would be on and off constantly, and everyone knew they wouldn't last.

Suki knew she would have to be the one to be real with Katara. This was gonna hurt Katara but this was for her own good.

She needed to see how everyone else saw the two and everyone saw the couple as a toxic and unhealthy relationship.     

Suki definitely doesn't want Katara crying over a break up that she saw coming. Katara wanted nothing more than to forget about him, but sadly she can't.

The poor girl got her heart broken... yet again and by the same exact boy.

Suki never understood why Katara would always run back to him, but she always did.

'Ok, Suki, I'm gonna need you to grow some balls and just tell Katara how awful they were together and that she is better off without him.'

After the small but quick mental pep-talk she had with herself she was ready to spill out all her thoughts. She put on her straight face and got ready to be real for once.

"Ok. I'm gonna need you to sit up straight and look at me." Katara could tell that Suki was being serious right now, so she did as she was told.

Once Suki had Katara's full attention she started to speak clearly, making sure every single word came out the way it was supposed to.

"I need you to answer this question truthfully. Were you happy with him? And I don't want any bullshit or anything. Were you in a happy and good healthy relationship with him?"

Katara looked away from Suki's eyes, her eyes focused on the carpet. Her mind went into a state of a blur,

She was trying to find a moment where she was really happy with him but instead got nothing out of her thinking except a broken heart.

She already knew the answer, but she didn't want to admit it because she's too embarrassed.

Katara looked back at Suki and sighed before she gave Suki her answer.

"Yes, Suki, we were happy together. I just want him back, ok? I miss h-him." Her words choked up in her throat.

She wiped her tears that were dripping from her eyes.

Katara knew she was lying to herself, it was rare that they were both happy with each other, for most part of their relationship they would be fighting about little things.

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