Soul Ties

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As soon as they passed the club's threshold, everything hit the group all at once. The horrid smell of liquor in the air, the flashing lights of different colors that blinded every single person, and lastly the music.

It was a booming symphony of terrible electrical dance music. But it fit the whole scene so well that it seemed so natural.

The group in the front stayed quiet and just followed the attractive man who led them somewhere while the others farther from the front had whispered some words to each other.

Katara held Toph's hand tightly, hoping to stick together while cutting through tight spaces caused by dancing bodies pressing together. Alongside Katara was Suki who had her body encased in her boyfriend's arms; he held onto her tight, letting anyone and everyone in the club know that she was taken by him and him only.

Her eyes had glued themselves onto him, she tried so hard to take them off him but nothing seemed to help. Every occasional glimpse that the flashing lights brough of him just wasn't enough for her, she wanted to see every detail of his facial features.

His outfit made his appearance look ten thousand times better. The silver rings he wore made him look intimidating.

"Stop staring. He's gonna notice." Toph lowly said into Katara's ear, allowing Katara's lustful thoughts to be interrupted.

She groaned and tightly squeezed Toph's hand out of embarrassment.

The girl just smirked and continued to follow the man but stopped at a certain point when they reached a small round booth with a round table in the middle. Small simple decorations were set like a small fake candle; it wasn't very bright nor dead, it softly flickered as if it was being suppressed by its erratic environment.

One by one, they all sat down on the booth with the man leading them into their seats.

Once they had all settled down, the man simply stood there, Katara squinted her eyes to be able to see his face.

The blinding lights around them finally gave Katara what she wanted and stopped flashing for a moment.

She could finally see him, his seemingly innocent face betraying the chaotic environment he seemed so comfortable with.

The man made a quick scan of the group, but the looks aren't very clear due to the colorful bright lights. Yet the man got lucky when his eyes landed on Katara whose face wasn't being flashed with any special lights.

He gave a simple smile when they met eyes. The simple smile was subtle but it had a lot more to say then just 'welcome'. Katara returned the kind gesture as she watched the mystery man walk away and into the chaotic crowd.

"Holy shit." She mumbled to herself.

"Hey, you good there?" Sokka's snapping died down as he got his sister's attention.

"Huh? Y-yea. wh-"

"Great, now tell me your drink." Both Sokka and Zuko got out of the booth.

"The usual." Her voice resonated a little louder due to all the music and cheering going on.

"OK, we'll be right back!" Sokka yelled out as he got deeper into the crowd.

Now conversations started between the girls.

"So, Mai, where are you from?" Suki asked; starting a simple conversation.

Toph sighed as she sat back into Katara's shoulder. The two girls both seemed to be disconnected from Suki and Mai talking.

It wasn't a big deal to Katara, considering the conversation wasn't very interesting.

Katara detached her attention away from everything else and decided to mind her own business, but that didn't last long when a screen lit up.

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