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To describe this bright beautiful soul is hard because she was a character of many traits. Always helpful, always smiling, never failed to put a smile on your face, gave good advice and overall the person they needed during their dark times of their supernatural. She was all their lights and made it almost impossible for you to not fall in love with her. She if you're wondering who this was and who I am explaining well she was Sophia Marie Salvatore. Twin sister of Damon and bigger sister of Stefan. A wonderful soul she was and never forgotten. 

She was a best friend of Katherine Pierce and an amazing sister she always had a strong connection to mother nature and always accessed some power that made no sense to her sometimes she could make wind appear or when she would cry it would start thundering but mainly she grew flowers when she walked through her garden but yet never seeked to figure out how she could do this. 

She was locked away for 145 years when her father was searching for vampires. As for he found out what she was and how much power she had he knew he needed to do this, for he was so fed up with vampires he didn’t care about his daughter as long as he could ‘protect’ his town. Her brothers, Damon and Stefan, were also too fed up with her best friend Katherine to save her so they let her get taken. The person that did care for Sophia because she knew what she was, would be Emily Bennett because she needed to to save her-no their- queen. So she cast a spell on her to stop her from aging and blood flow. During that time because she was human the spell affected her turning the bottom half of her hair white and the top half black. 

She missed a lot of things that happened in her life for starters her little brother Stefan was dating a doppelganger and both of her brothers were in love with the doppelganger. They forgot about their sister until they came upon her in the tomb while searching for katherine. She missed the part where she was put down in books not only of fictional books but for the supernatural world. Every witch that went through their time wondered what happened to her because she was  never found after they put her birth date in books but they assumed she was still alive for they haven't given another the title of mother nature. 

And that's who she was; mother nature. Her story starts here

(Imagine her hair like narcissa malfoy)

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