Chapter 1 - Yallina Fees Ofters my best friend

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Not gonna do a long note as I don't like reading them myself xD But yeah, I'm gonna upload three chapters so you guys can get a good start, and then I will try my best to upload one once a week ;) Hope you enjoy! Feel free to like comment and subcribe. Just let me know what you all think!!


Dracos pov

It was Monday morning, day back in school after summer break. I walked into my first class of the day, dark arts. The classroom was almost filled, but to my luck the seat I wanted was still empty. As I walked my way to it, I returned all the glares I got from the girls with a cheese smirk. Nothing I weren't used to.

I plopped down into the seat next to the blonde haired girl.

"Hey there Feces?" I laughed, smiling at her.

"Hii Moldboy" She returned my smile.

This girl was my best friend and had been ever since we started at Hogwarts. No one, including ourselves, knew why. She was the quiet, shy, loving and caring girl, and I, I was Draco Malfoy.

If you didn't know her background you would also question why she was even in Slytherin. But she was the daughter of the Ofters couple. Yes Ofters, the most famous death eaters ever known. Yallina though weren't raised by them, she was raised by her aunt and therefore have the name Fees. Or as we all know her Feces, even though we all know that "The two e's are pronounced as an I" as she tried to teach us at first. She quickly gave up though.

She is the kind of girl who is always smiling, never talking, but always caring. Most important, she cares about me, and that is why I love her. Besides the fact that she is like the hottest girl in school. Another reason why she is my friend, she is pretty enough. Deep, I know.
Yallina Fees Ofters my best friend.

"You coming to the awesome party I'm throwing tonight?" I asked looking at her.

"Party? For real Draco? It's first day in school. A Monday. A School night! And you want to party?" She returned, already annoying me with her "good girl" attitude.

"Yeah we are back in school that should be celebrated" I responded smartly.

"The only time you will ever celebrate school is when it's ending" she shot back just as smart.

"C'mon Yall, it'll be fun" I pleaded.

"Yeah you said the same thing when you wanted me to date Zabini!" she said looking sour. "It'll be fun, Yall. Remember? Dra I ended up with a broken heart and almost being rapped!"

"I whipped his ass for that!" I shot back, making another excuse for what I had put her though by pushing her into that stupid relationship.

"I will be your adult and mature friend here and say NO!" she looked away from me and up at the professor whom had just walked in.

I sighed deeply giving up a little.

I knew I shouldn't be pushing her into things she wouldn't want to do, "It's not friendly" but she seriously needed to loosen up a bit. If everyone knew the Yallina I knew, they wouldn't call her arrogant or a stuck up. She was actually hilarious, being all crazy, not caring that I thought she was a complete dumb-ass. She could always make me laugh.

Class faded out rather boring. And while the professor finished up I decided to beg a little more.

"C'mon" I pleaded looking at her.

"No I have to study" she said without even looking at me.

"You are always studying Feces" I said sighing.

"Yeah so?" she answered obviously getting annoyed with me.

"So what about showing people that you have other things to offer than your clever mind" I said hoping I could convince her to come.

"Like what" she asked.

"Like your sexiness?" I said a smirk clearly drawing itself to my lips.

She just looked at me with a disgusted look on her face.

"Let them know why you are allowed to be my friend" I continued.

"And why is it that I am that Draco?" She said anger in her voice.

"Because you're pretty" I said, not seeing the big "STOP" sign she threw at me.

"Because I'm pretty?" She questioned.

"Yes?" I said getting a little confused.

"Are you shitting me?" she asked looking angry.

Finally realizing the meaning of my words I tried to pull back.

"C'mon I didn't mean it like that" I said

"Sure you didn't"

"What is it? Your time of the month?" I joked, laughing with Crabbe and Goyle who had an ear in.

SLAAAAM! She slapped her hand against my left cheek rather hard.

"Oh guessing it really must be!" I said rubbing my cheek still laughing.

With that she took her books and left the classroom.

Did I forget to tell you she has a serious temper.

"Hold on Yall" I called running after her.

I quickly caught up with her short legs.

"You know that's no what I meant right?" I asked softly.

"Yeeeaah" She said, not happy to admit it.

"I just really want people to see the same girl as I see. They only see this shy, stuck up girl whom you are not. We have Granger for that!" I said. She laughed a little.

"I want them to see the fun and sparkling girl you are around me. That silly girl who always makes me laugh. If they saw you like that, they would all adore you, trust me!"

"How can you be so sure?" She asked

"Because I do!" I said hitting her arm playfully.

"Yeah well you aren't quiet like everyone else Draco" she laughed back.

"I know" I said flattering myself. She huffed.


Yallinas pov.

I walked with Draco to the great hall for dinner. He sat down with Zabini and Crabbe, while I sat on the other side in between Pansy and Goyle. They were all stuffing their faces with food. Disgusting.

"Haven't seen you eat lately" Pansy said to me being annoying as always.

"Haven't heard you say anything useful lately" I shot back not wanting to hear her bullshit.

They guys laughed and Pansy shut up.

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