Chapter 2 - Slytherin Party

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Slytherin Party hosted by Draco - open for anyone.

Yallinas pov.

I looked one last time in the mirror. I knew Draco wouldn't like this outfit, too sweet. I laughed to myself, he was not gonna decide what I should wear.


I could hear the music bang loud from the common room, people were obviously having a great time. Me, I hated partying, and it hadn't been easy for Draco to talk me into this. I walked down the stares, I could feel me stomach lumping, my shyness getting the better of me. I stood for a while at the end of the stare case, finding courage to just walk into this thing.

I was just about to go when someone spoke up from right beside me.

"Really Feces?"

I screamed in shock, locking to find Draco.

"I tell you to look sexy and this is what you choose?" Draco asked eyeing me up and down.

I rolled my eyes, "You know this ain't my kind of thing"

"Luckily for you, you look hot in everything" He whispered in my ear, taking my hand pulling me to the table filled with drinks.

I didn't know why but his words made my heart warm and I could feel my cheeks heat. I shook my head, it must be the nerves about the party getting the best of me, I thought to myself.

Draco mixed something together for me. He handed me the class and turned to make one for himself.

I looked at the drink then at him, a questioningly look on my face.

"Relax, you're good, I'm not gonna get you drunk on a school night" Draco said, giving me a side hug.

"Now go have fun" he said pushing me into the crowd.

What in the hell was I going to do here? I had absolutely no clue, so I just went to sit in the couches.

I sat down just looking around.

"Yallina Fees?" A boy sorta asked me

"Dean, right?" I asked back recognizing him from the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

"Yeah. Wow I didn't know you could look like that" he said looking amazed.

I turned away a bit, blushing. "Ehm thanks" I said.

"Too bad you're a Slytherin." he said.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a low voice.

"Your kind doesn't hang with people like me" he said like it was no surprise to me

"Excuse me?" I asked getting slightly annoyed. "My kind? Aren't you the one being a bit judgmental right now?"

He looked at me kind of scared. Then he stood, apologized and took of.

I was confused. What the hell just happened? Did the fact that I had a voice scare him?

I turned around to see Zabini stand behind the couch looking at me. That must have been why Dean left.

"Impressive Yall" He said walking around the couch to sit down next to me.

I moved to the side not wanting to sit next to him.

"Only friends of mine are allowed to use that name, and in case you forgot, YOU are not my friend" I spat at him. One person I weren't scared to open my mouth to was Zabini. I was a bit scared for him, yes, but anger often took over when I saw him.

"C'mon Yall, you know you still love me." he said in a seductive way, leaning closer to me.

I stood, but was pulled back down by him. His hand were tight around my tiny wrist holding me to his lap.

"Let go!" I hissed.

He started kissing my neck, making me sick. This action send me back to last year, when he tried to rape me.

I struggled to get free.

"Get off of her Zabini" I heard Dracos voice speak.

I started crying, this was so embarrassing. Zabini stopped the kissing but didn't let go of me.

"Get your filthy fingers of my best friend" Draco spoke coolly getting closer. "What happened to you last, can easily happen again" He said.

Seeing this side of Draco scared me. Even though I was more than happy he came to safe me. This behaviour was so far from the Draco I knew.

Zabini released the grip on my wrist, and I ran to Draco. He embraced me, petting my back in a comforting way. I was crying my eyes out now.

"You're okay" he said in a soft voice, being back to the caring boy I knew him as. "you're okay" he repeated, sitting us down on the couch.

One thing was me being a tiny girl, both short but also skinny, but when I sat there in his arms crying me eyes out, I felt like a baby. I hated this!

"Why?" I asked so low I weren't sure if Draco heard me.

"I have no idea Yall. But I'll promise you it will never happen again, do you hear me?" He said holding me by my arms looking me deep in the eye.

"Do you?" He asked again.

I nodded in respond. A single tear dropping from my eye. He meant more to me than he would ever know.

He whipped the tear away from my cheek. "Lets get you to bed" he said kissing my forehead. I smiled weakly at him, standing up.

As we walked towards the stares I saw from the corner of my eye that Gabby, a Huffelpuff, were watching us. I stopped at the first step, turning to Draco.

"I can take it from here" I said as normal as I could "You should go finish things with Gabby" I continued nodding in her direction.

Draco looked over his shoulder sending Gabby a famous Draco Malfoy wink.

"Nah you are more important" He said looking back at me.

"I'm flattered, but I know how hard you have worked for this, and I think tonight could be your night" I said to him in a soft voice.

I actually hated how he had almost been with every single girl at the school, but I was his best friend aka wing women, and had therefore no saying in this.

"But is it worth it?" He asked teasing me.

"I guess you are about to find out." I said hugging him, then running up the stares, leaving him behind.

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