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August 1, 2020

Today was Lev's graduation. It was 7 O'clock in the morning and he had already woken up and freshened up. He was going to be picking up Piper, Jentzen and Elliana from Jentzen's house, and they were all going to drive there with Lev's parents in their car. 

Lev went to the kitchen, finding his mom making pancakes for everyone. "Hey mom!" "Hey Lev! Big day today huh? I can't believe its already here. How did you grow up so fast?" Irina says, hugging Lev tightly. 

"Aww mom, I'm still here though! I'm not going anywhere at least right?" Lev says as they pull away. "Yeah that's definitely a plus" Irina laughs a little. 

After breakfast, Lev drove to Jentzen's home, to bring everyone to his house. He tells his mom and leaves. He pulls up to Jentzen's home and texts him that he's in front. 

"Yoooo Lev! Wassup?" Jentzen says sitting in the seat right next to Lev as Elliana and Piper climb into the back. "Heyy! How are you guys?" Lev asks as he starts the engine. 

"Ready to go?" He asks, as everyone nods. He starts driving back to his house. He puts on music and everyone dances to it while on the road. They reach Lev's house. 

"Hey! We're back!" Lev says as he opens the door and everyone walks in. "Heyy guyss!" Irina shouts from her room. Everyone yells back hellos as they make their way to Lev's room. 

"We should be leaving in about 20 minutes." Lev says as Jentzen and Elliana sit on his bed. Lev sits on his chair. Piper enters last. "Come here Pipes!" Lev says to Piper as she enters the room after using the bathroom. 

Piper sits on Lev's lap as Elliana 'ooohs'. Lev shakes his head and laughs a little, Piper going slightly red. All of them talk as they wait for Lev's parents to get ready to leave. Lev hugs Piper tightly from behind, her back against his chest, while she sits in between his legs.

After around 30 minutes, everyone was in the car and ready to leave. They all drive to the college, talking and listening to music. After almost an hour, they had arrived. 

Lev led the way as everyone went to locate their allocated booth. Lev's parents sit down and Lev takes the other three to show them around the campus a little bit because they had some time on their hands, and Lev had a while before he had to report to get his cap and gown. 

Lev shows them around as they talk and Piper slowly slips her hand into his. He looks down at her and smiles, kissing her forehead. They walked around for a long time, then deciding to head back because they were getting tired. 

Lev then goes to the hall where the other students were collecting their caps and gowns. He then finds two of his best friends, Josh and Peter. "Hey guys! How are you?" Lev asks walking up to them. "Nothing bro, we were just talking about something that this idiot did yesterday" Peter says. 

They all talk for a while, then Josh asks, "So who are you both going with tonight?" Peter replies saying that he was taking his girlfriend. "Who're you going with?" he asks Lev. "I really like this girl, Piper, we've been hanging out for a while now. I asked her to go with me." 

"Ayee my guy! Is she the one who asked u to join her group and do YouTube with?" "Yeah that's her." After talking a little more, they head out, when the ceremony was about to start. 

"Lev Cameron Khmelev!" Lev walks up on stage as he hears people cheer. He notices Piper smiling and cheering for him. He gets his diploma, shaking the person's hand,  then doing the thing with his cap, and gets off. 

After the ceremony, the three of them were talking, when Jentzen, Piper and Ellie run up to him cheering. He turns around and sees this, hugging Piper tightly, kissing the top of her head. "You graduated!" She screams. Lev laughs. "Guys meet Josh and Peter, this is Jentzen, Elliana and Piper." 

"Oh I seee, I guess I'll be seeing you later tonight?" Josh says looking at Piper. "Yeah I guess you will!" 

A/n: Hey guys! I hope you all are enjoying the story so far! I really love writing it!
Please do comment and let me know what you think so far!
-Anonymous ©

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