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1 September, 2020

"You already know you can ask me anything Pipes, what is it?" Lev responds. "Umm... What's the most you've ever done with a girl?" Piper asks softly. "Me?" Piper nods in response. 

"Uhh.. I'm guessing you know the bases?" Lev asks her. "Bases?" Piper asks, confused. "Yeah, like of a relationship" Lev says, waiting for Piper to reply but her expression stays the same. "Ok so there are four bases in a relationship. The first one is making out, second is touching or like heavy petting and stuff, it can be from over clothes or otherwise, then comes oral stimulation and then its all the way." Lev explains without sounding awkward or shy. 

"And well if you want to know for me, second base..." Lev says, with a hint of shyness in his voice. Piper pauses for a second before asking, "Over or under clothes?" "Well... under shirt over bra. I only touched her below the waist once... over clothes." Lev replies. 

"What about her? How far did she go?" Piper asks. "She uh... I've been touched over my underwear" Lev says, sounding embarrassed. "Why though?" Lev asks. "I don't know, it just popped into my head a second ago" Piper says, smiling. 

"Ok what about you, how far have you gone with a guy?" Lev asked, grinning. "Uh, I've only ever made out, with you" She laughed. Lev smiled at her lovingly. 

They sat in silence for a few seconds and Piper went on her phone, while Lev studied her features in the dim lighting. Her hair, completely wet, framing her face which had no makeup on, her eyes and how they shone in the light of her phone, just everything about her and how perfect she was. 

He took the phone out of her hand and put it on the side with his. Piper looked confused but Lev just pulled her closer to him with a huge smile on his face. "What's up Lev?" Piper laughs now standing in front of him. He just picks her up and puts her on his lap in response.

"What, are we going to recreate the scene from To All The Boys I've Loved Before? Which I know for a fact that you've watched?" Piper laughs. 

"I don't know about that, but what I do know, is that you're gorgeous." Lev smiles at her. Piper kisses him in response and Lev smiles into it, wrapping his arms around her. 

They pulled away after a few seconds, after which Lev grabbed his phone and started to take pictures of Piper and then of the two of them. After this they decided to go upstairs and get changed and ready for the night. Lev got out first, helping Piper out. He grabbed their towels and wrapped one around Piper, then wrapping another one around himself and then they walked back towards Piper's room, hand in hand. 

They opened the door to her room and saw that they had walked in on Jelliana making out intensely, still in their swimsuits. "Uhh.. sorry, we'll come back later" Piper said and shut the door again. Lev laughed once it was closed, Piper joining in too. "Guess we can just go back to the pool then, what do you say?" Lev suggested. Piper nodded and they went back downstairs and got into the hot tub. 

In another twenty minutes they went back upstairs to find that Jentzen and Elliana were not in Piper's room anymore. "Wait let me go check in our room" Lev said and went and knocked on the door of the room where him and Jentzen would sleep. 

"You guys in there?" Lev shouted from outside. Elliana came and opened the door saying that she had showered and that Jentzen was showering in the bathroom. 

Lev went back to Piper in her room. "Jentzen is showering there" He said as he walked in. "Oh, well then you can shower here, I'm texting Claire anyway." She said. "You sure you won't get cold?" Lev checked, and when Piper nodded he went into her bathroom and closed the door. 

Once he was done showering he put on his clothes and walked out to find Piper sitting on the floor with her phone. "Hey, you can go in now" He said as he went and sat on her sofa.

Piper picked up her clothes, gave Lev a quick peck and went in. Once she came out, she went and cuddled into Lev who wrapped his arm around her and kissed the side of her head. She started getting sleepy as they chilled on her couch.

"Do you want to go to bed now" Lev asked when he saw her yawn. "I'm pretty tired yeah" She replied, rubbing her eyes. "Well you get some sleep, I'll see you in the morning ok?" Lev smiled as he got up. "Do you want help with anything before I go?" He asked as he picked up his backpack, which he had brought in earlier for his clothes. Piper shook her head as she started to make her bed. 

"Alright, good night then!" Lev said as he walked over to her to kiss her goodnight. He gave her a soft kiss and then left to go to his room. Once he entered, he told Elliana that Piper had gone to bed and she left too. Jentzen was still in the bathroom, only God knew why. He got into bed and went on his phone again as he waited for Jentzen to come out. 

Five minutes later, Jentzen finally came out looking exhausted. "Finally, gosh! What were you even doing in there?" Lev laughed. "You really wanna know?" Jentzen laughed too as he put away his things, turned off the main light and got in bed himself. Only the two bed lamps lit up the room now. 

"So, what were you doing with Elliana there huh?" Lev said, moving his attention from his phone to Jentzen. "Oh- uh... you know just making out..." Jentzen looked away going slightly red. "Mhmm yeah sure" Lev chuckled as he unlocked his phone again. 

"What were you really doing Jay" Lev laughed as he thought about scenarios that he knew did not happen. "Lev!" Jentzen said sounding thoroughly embarrassed, which made Lev laugh harder.

They soon fell asleep. 

The next morning.

Lev woke up and found Jentzen gone, which made him think that he was already with Elliana. He got out of bed and freshened up before he went to see if Piper was awake already. 

He made the bed and went to Piper's room to find her still asleep. He stood leaning against the door admiring her for a few seconds with a small smile on his face. "She's even cuter when she's asleep." He thought to himself as he watched her sleep peacefully under her blanket with her foot poking out from under it. 

He approached her and kissed her cheek softly. He took her hand in his and softly said, "Good morning cutie!" She shifted as she woke up and looked at Lev who was smiling down at her. She rubbed her eyes and stretched. 

"Hi Lev!" She smiled at him tiredly. She patted the spot next to her, asking for Lev join her. Lev got into her bed from the other side and pulled the covers over himself. Piper cuddled into Lev's chest as she tried to wake herself up. Lev wrapped his arms around her and watched as she did so.

After about ten minutes, Piper had gotten out of bed and freshened up herself. They walked downstairs to the kitchen together, where they found Ellie and Jentzen. 

They all had breakfast together and then carried on with their day. 

A Love Story | Lev Cameron • Piper RockelleWhere stories live. Discover now