Chapter XV: Friday, August 21st, 2015

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Chapter XV: Friday, August 21st, 2015

The new day was marked by the usual shedule: breakfast, an activity – this morning it was a ride – pool, lunch, pool again, dinner.

"It was a long time since I felt so prefectly rested", Richard told Nives as they were going downstairs for dinner. "I truly needed this relaxing holiday."

"I'm happy to hear this", she said, beaming at him. "You truly you didn't get bored too much...?"

"Not at all", he reassured her. "It's simply impossible for me getting bored when I'm with the woman of my life", he saw her smile becoming even brighter as her eyes sparkled. "And anyway, as I already told you, sometimes you need some dolce far niente." (*)

"Oh..." she put on an impish face. "I'd say that during these days things were actually sweet, but I didn't see much idleness..."

It was plain to what she was referring and Richard grinned: he adored when she was being naughty. He stopped her, took two steps down and turned; this way, she was level with him. He encircled her slim waist with his big hands and pulled her to him.

"You're perfectly right", he murmured. "Making love with you is always very sweet..."

He touched her brow with his; Nives placed her arms around his neck and smiled, thrilled.

"Ti amo, mio bel ragazzo britannico", she whispered.

"E io amo te, mia dolce ragazza italiana", he whispered back, and then kissed her tenderly.

Salvo and Marcella came out of the kitchen, headed for the sitting room with the aperitif, and caught sight of them on the stairs as they kissed. Mother and son exchanged a glance, both amused and moved, and then, pretending they had seen nothing, slipped silently away. In the sitting room, they made some noise as they prepared for the aperitif, as to let the lovers know that they weren't alone, in case they didn't like to be seen while kissing.

Hearing them, Richard and Nives parted.

"Are you aware that we're behaving like teenagers?" she giggled.

"I'm perfectly aware of that", he admitted. "But you know what? I don't give a damn", he concluded smiling. It was true: being with Nives made him euphoric – and ruffled his hormones as well – as if he was sixteen again, but he didn't care a bit if someone would judge him silly for that. Actually, he deeply pitied those who didn't understand that feelings have no age and therefore it is unimportant if one is twenty or sixty years old.

They went downstairs and met Marcella and Salvo exiting the sitting room.

"Buonasera" (**), the cook greeted them, beaming. "The aperitif is ready", she added, displaying the meagre English she knew.

"Thank you", Richard answered. "What cocktail did you make tonight, Salvo?" he then asked.

"A Rossini", the waiter answered. "Dry spumante with blended strawberries", he then explained. "Actually, it's a variation of the famous Bellini, but Mrs Raffaella cannot drink it because of her allergy to peaches."

Richard recalled that he had had a Bellini in Venice with Nives, the night he had taken her to dinner and then they had kissed for the first time.

"I'm looking forward to try it", he declared. "Looks perfect for you", he added, looking at his fiancée: by now, he knew well that she adored strawberries.

"I agree", Nives confirmed. "Believe it or not, I've never tried a Rossini up to now, so I too am looking forward to it."

They went into the sitting room; waiting for the other couple, Nives turned on the stereo. Though Raffaella had told her many times to search freely through her CD collection, Nives hated rummaging around other people's things, so she just hit the play button. She heard the first notes of a famous song by Whitney Houston, I wanna dance with somebody (who loves me). How many times had she wished to dance it with the man she loved? And now she could! She gazed at Richard and extended her hand to him in an invitation. He accepted at once: the title had him guess the reason why Nives wanted to dance with him, there and then.

A Fangirl's Dream (vol. 5): Elban Holidays  #Wattys2021Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin