Just Seeing Him Again

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I pulled my car in front of my favourite coffee shop and parked. Most days, I would stop here to get coffee before I go to work. They sell the best coffee and a cup of warm espresso was a welcome comfort to start my day before work.

When I entered the coffee shop, it was buzzing with people getting their early morning drink. Most times, at this hour, it is not crowded but today it was because it was a Monday. I checked my watch to see that it was 7:15am. I didn't mind the long line now though because I still had forty five minutes before I should get to work.

When I was at the front of the line, I gave my order and then took my coffee. When I turned to leave, I stopped dead in my tracks. Standing a few feet away from me was Tyler. His attention was focused on throwing away his coffee cup at the disposal garbage bin, so he didn't see me. However, that wasn't for long because as soon as he was finished, he looked up and saw me too.

When his eyes landed on me, every memory that I've tried to suppress over the years came flooding back. However, I didn't want to think about them right now, so I took the chance to study him instead. Everything that Tori said were true plus more. His dark brown hair was styled different and cut shorter than he normally wore it. His lean body was clad in a pristine dark blue buttoned down dressed shirt, grey slacks and black dress shoes. As he stood in front of me, I took in his overall appearance and what came to mind was that he looks charming, handsome, polished and....sexy.

Shaking my head from the direction my thoughts were going, I finally cleared my throat to speak. I can not go there. It felt like I was frozen for minutes but in reality, it was only a few seconds.

"Hi Tyler." I said keeping my voice steady and hoping that my words didn't sound strained.

"Hi," He offered me a smile which made me relaxed. "How are you?"

"I'm doing good, thanks." I answered. "You?"

"I'm good." He replied.

We fell in an awkward silence after that. I wished I knew what was going on in his head right now. When did we even get like this? We were never in a position where we didn't know what to say to each other. We were always comfortable with each other that we talked about anything and everything. I guess being apart for four years changed that and for some reason I didn't like it. It made me sad knowing that we've become strangers to each other.

I couldn't take the silence anymore, so I said. "I heard about your interview. Is that today?"

He nodded. "Yes."

"Okay, good luck. I know you will get it." I said smiling.

"Thank you." He stated. "Well, I have to go now. I'll see you around?"

"Of course." I replied. He nodded his head before he turned and walked from the coffee shop.

Taking a few deep breaths to calm my jangled nerves, I followed suit and headed for the door as well.


"Is everything okay? You seem out of it since morning." My co-worker, Kaylee asked with concern. I looked up at her and smiled.

Kaylee has always been nice and caring towards me. Ever since I started working as an editor at this newspaper company, she would always check up on me, talk to me and we would keep each other company. She has been working here two years before me so she was the one who helped me get settled in and showed me what to do when I just started working here.

I, on the other hand, have been working here four months now. That was right after I left college. I had interned here in my third year of college and as soon as I graduated they called to hire me as a full time editor.

"I'm okay." I answered Kaylee's earlier question. "I'm just tired. You know, this is how I am on a Monday." I added with a small laugh.

Okay, maybe she was right. I've been spacing out a lot since I got to work. I don't know, but my mind keeps going back to seeing Tyler this morning. I guess it could be because it has been a long time since I've seen him. That must be it. Maybe, after I'm used to his return, things will go back to normal.

Kaylee smiled and nodded, bringing me from my thoughts. "Yeah, I know what you mean but don't worry, look at it this way, we're half way through the day." She said as she walked over to her desk.

When I returned my attention to the computer in front of me, my phone rang. I picked it up and saw that it was Dominic.

I smiled as I answered. "Hey."

"Hi," Dominic's voice came through the other end. "I just wanted to know if we're still meeting for lunch."

I checked my watch and saw that it was soon time for my lunch break. "Yes, of course."

"Good. I'm about to leave for lunch soon so I'll see you at our usual lunch spot."

"Sure, I'll be there soon." I replied before ending the call.

Dominic and I most times would meet for lunch. His work is close to mine; he just works around the corner at an information technology company as an IT specialist.

Towards my final year of college, I was having lunch at a small diner one day and that's where I met Dominic. I was sitting by myself and he came and sat beside me saying that he was keeping me company. It became a regular thing after that until we started going out together outside of the diner. That was five months ago and we're still together. He is really a nice guy who treats me well. I smiled to myself, feeling grateful that I met him.

After I finished sorting through submissions and deciding what to be published, I put my computer to sleep and took up my bag and left the office for lunch.

AN: Hey!

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Stay beautiful!


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