Just A Return Home

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Present Day

"How do you like it at your new work?" I asked Tori.

Last week, Tori started working at a restaurant. She got a job as a waitress there. It wasn't just a regular, simple restaurant. It was a nice and fancy restaurant where people would eat on a regular basis. It was posh, impeccable and was rated five stars. Tori was ecstatic when she got the job.

"It's actually great. Better than I expected." Tori answered. She was positioned on her back on my bed with her eyes glued to the ceiling. I was sitting on my small futon that is in my bedroom polishing my toenails.

"Good for you." I replied before focusing my attention back to my task. "I'm glad to hear that."

"Hey, did you know that Tyler is back here?" Tori asked suddenly looking at me cautiously.

I nodded. "Yes. Sarah told me. His mom told Sarah." I answered keeping my face as normal and emotionless as possible. As soon as I heard that Tyler was back, I tried not to think too much into it.

"So, when last have you talked to him?" She asked sitting up to lean against my headboard.

I lifted my shoulders in a slight shrug. "A long time. When he first went away, we texted a lot but after a while, they started becoming less and less until we stopped texting."

"Okay," Tori answered then fell silent. I sighed inwardly. At least she dropped the subject. But of course, I was wrong. "Are you going to see him?"

"Tori, I have a boyfriend." I reminded her.

"I know. That doesn't mean you can't see him. It's been four years since you've seen him." She said pushing away my excuse.

I nodded my head because I knew she was right. I then looked at her curiously. "How did you know he was here, by the way?" I questioned. "Have you seen him?"

She nodded then said. "He and his mother came into the restaurant the day before yesterday to have lunch. I guess that was the day he came."

"Okay." I answered still trying not to be fazed by hearing about him.

"He looks good." Tori continued. "He looks different in a mature kind of way but he's still good looking." She finished with a knowing smile.

I lifted an eyebrow at her. "And why are you telling me this?" I asked as I closed my nail polish bottle and gave her a pointed look.

She rolled her eyes. "As if you're not curious to hear about him."

"No, I'm not." I stated with conviction. I then occupied myself with clearing away the things I was using to do my nails. I was trying to avoid her piercing gaze and I didn't want to admit it, but she was right.

Even though, I wished she wasn't.

I was curious about him, but I had to suppress that urge because I was afraid of what will happen if I started thinking about him again. I've spent three years trying to get over him and move on. During those three years, there were so many instances that I wanted to take up the phone and call him but I didn't. I wanted to make it easier for our breakup if we didn't talk. It would just make me sad and miss him more. I guess he was doing to same. Then less than a year ago, I met Dominic and it became easy. He was a really great guy and we care about each other a lot.

I didn't even know he was planning on coming back but his mom said that he had an interview at our former high school. He was going for the position of a science teacher. So now he was going to be staying here permanently. He was going to be staying with his parents for a while until he rents his own place.

"Hey! Earth to Emily." I heard Tori said trying to get my attention. I pulled myself from my thoughts to see that she was regarding me with a curious look. "I was saying that I have to go. I have to be at work early tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll see you." I answered and she left my room.


On Monday morning, I went downstairs to see Sarah and Rachel in the living room talking. Over the years they have gotten really close so it was a normal thing for Rachel to be over here or for Sarah to go over to Rachel's house.

"Hi," I greeted as I entered the living room.

Rachel turned to me and smiled. "Hi Emily. I was just telling your mother that we're having a birthday celebration for me over at my house on Saturday. You're invited as well. I hope you can come."

I smiled. "Of course I'll come."

"That's great. It isn't a big thing and personally, I didn't need a party but Trenton and Tyler insisted." She said shaking her head but smiling nonetheless. "We agreed on a small gathering of close friends and family in the end."

I smiled at the mention of Trenton. That sounds exactly like him. Ever since he and Rachel remarried four years ago, it was like they were never divorced. He made sure she was happy, he took great care of her and he was a real gentleman. There was no doubt in my mind about where Tyler gets his personality from. Tyler was exactly like that and be didn't hide it.

When Trenton and Rachel had remarried, he moved here to live with her. Tyler was no longer in the house with them for four years but at least they had each other. I can see that they were indeed happy and I was happy for them.

"Okay then, thank you for the invite. I wouldn't miss it. I'll definitely be there." I replied. I walked over to the table by the door and take up my car keys. "I have to get to work so I'll see you guys later." I said to Sarah and Rachel.

They both said goodbye to me and I left the house. I got inside my car and drive away from the house. As I drive, I couldn't shake the thoughts that crept into my mind. The fact that Tyler was going to be at that party made me a bit nervous and anxious at the same time. I really do want to see him. The last time I saw him was at his parents wedding.

Rachel is such a nice and caring woman with such a big heart. I didn't want to disappoint her by turning down her party invite. I had to attend that party even though I was nervous at the thought of running into Tyler. It's not like I didn't want to see him. I just didn't know if I could handle seeing him again after fours years.

AN: Thanks for reading!!

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I'm going to dedicate this chapter to Cheenu_Rawat It took a while, but I did keep my promise. I didn't forget about you. Thank you so much for your support. You are truly a gem! ❤❤

Until next chapter...

Keep cool 😎


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