Move On Y/n

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It's been a week for me I guess and I haven't felt to great but I have been better also I love feedback from you'll don't forget to vote and comment and leave a follow
Y/n pov:
It's been a month or so without Corpse here ,I will be lying saying I didn't miss his hugs and kisses and his stupid way of singing tiktok songs

He will always be the only person that I will never have believed to have hurt me but as time tells he is probably happy with his new hoe I guess

_I walked out of my apartment and looked at the street as kids play in the neighborhood and I saw a set of swings in the park and decided to go over_

"What the heck... Am I even doing? Never mind I got a few minutes to spare I should enjoy myself

I chuckled bitterly as I swing my feet across trying to grab the nature of bullshit that was forming in my head

I was lonely and miserable while he was happy and cheerful with his girlfriend... My emotions and love went through hell for him heck I even stayed there while his family was down

I missed him so much that I hate myself more then I hate him....

I look at sky and smile sadly and look back to the ground to even notice the swing started moving back and forward

"You look like you needed some uplifting" A chuckle was heard be hide me and I looked to see now a guy with white hair and dark brown eye's  ,his hair defying gravity

"You look like you needed some uplifting" A chuckle was heard be hide me and I looked to see now a guy with white hair and dark brown eye's  ,his hair defying gravity

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"Not literally but thanks" I said as I looked ahead and turn back to see him sitting on the swing next to me

"Well not saying you didn't but your tiny feet were barely touching the ground to make enough speed" He said as he eyed me

"Did you just pick on my height?  You are just jealous there is not enough of me"
I said smirking

Wait why I'm I talking to a stranger didn't out parents teach us 'Stranger Danger'

"I just did... Anyway my name is Kakashi and I don't like last name basis"
He said while rubbing the back of his head making me nod

"Names Y/n and what brings you here? "

I said while eyeing him and grabbing my pepper spray tight in my purse

"Them" He said while looking at the bush

"Them?  Who is them?  Are you trying to kidnap me?! "
I screamed and sprayed the pepper spray in his eyes

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