• thirteen •

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"Hi baby," the mother said, picking up the five year old. "I missed you so much," she said sprinkling kisses on the little girl's cheeks. "How have you been without me? You didn't give aunt Gigi or uncle Zayn any trouble, did you?" she said.

"It was fun playing with Khai and Cheshire Cat!" the girl burst out laughing. Taylor tilted her head curiously and looked over to her friend's direction.

"Umm... Olivia's been a good girl, though she does get a bit cranky when he wasn't... Yeah. Nothing. She's good," the model said faking a smile but Taylor cocked her eyebrows unconvinced.

"Okay..." the singer bobbed her head slowly before speaking to her daughter, "Well then, say bye bye to aunty Gigi and give big kisses."

"Bye bye aunty Gigi!" the girl squeaked and the model kissed the top of the girl's forehead.

"Goodbye. Come by when you wanna play with Khai, okay?" The ladies then bid farewell to each other and left Gigi's apartment. During the car ride while Olivia was busy singing tunes to her own in the back seat, Taylor's thoughts were cloudy when thinking about whatever her daughter said a while ago.

Cheshire Cat huh? The cat from Alice in the Wonderland? She don't recall ever Gigi having a pet named 'Cheshire' or whatever it was. Was it one of the toys they have?

"I love you too, Cheshire Cat."

She almost stopped her vehicle in the middle of the road when what she said decades ago creeps back in her head. The woman shakes her head and turns on the radio louder to block out all her thoughts.

Meanwhile a few streets down New York, the lad can be spotted inside his apartment. "Yeah. Thank you so much. I'll see you in a few days I guess," Harry said to his phone, with on of his record producer on the other line, and ended the call. A busy man he was indeed. He gazed out of the windows in his bedroom, the droplets of rain sprinkled on the glass window, signaling the heavy precipitation outside. The night sky barely showing any signs of stars as it was overshadowed by streetlights and the lights from the buildings. New York City is in fact a busy city, hence the title 'the city that never sleeps', the man begins to understand why the lady he had in mind loves this place. The lights were always so bright it almost reminded him of those camera flashes that made his dream in the first place. Despite being constantly used and judged by everyone, it was also the reason that brought him up here from the very beginning.

His forest green orbs travelled to the building a few blocks ahead from his and he spotted them clearly from above. Still somehow, he'll naturally drive past that street and take the smallest glance at the building where she lives. It reminded him of those simpler times when he was younger.

He'll be heading back to Los Angeles in California by tomorrow to be back in his studio to record his new track. He didn't know how long he was staring out of his window, humming to the random beat of the raindrops. Suddenly getting up from the window seat, he had the urge to drive around the city as the cars were gradually getting less. It was almost past 11 p.m.

OMIGOSH! 13!!! okay I'll stop.
Love 🌻

Olivia's Curiosity Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora