Part 5 and 6

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*Big sigh*

( Hello there, the dead person has returned. I will be writing this chapter and make it the end because I really dislike this story but a lot of you guys seem to like it somehow... Like I'm actually so surprised. Anyways I do thank you all tho, how crappy this story might be you guys have shown it tons of love and you guys even texted me yourselves asking me when they next chapter will be out. So I couldn't leave this story be because I'd feel bad for God's sake. So, I will make this 2 parts in 1 and this will be the ending! I'd say enjoy.)
*The next day, friday* -8am-

-Stans Pov.-

We don't have school today since they're setting up the decorations for prom. I honestly don't mind, I have more time to think what I'm gonna say to Kyle now, I still feel terrible but I guess things just happen.

I'd get out of bed and head down stairs seeing Shelly on the couch watching television.

"Where are mom and dad? "

"Went shopping or something, mom said she'd get a suit for you for prom or something... " Shelly replied.

God, I asked mom it she could take me with so I could choose a suit myself... I guess not. I'd make my way to the kitchen, grabbed some cereal and eating from the box. " ... " I'd sigh, " I should probably get ready instead of eating cereal here. " I would put the cereal box back and make my way back upstairs.

-Kyle's Pov.-

I keep thinking about Kenny, what did he say to Stan? Would Stan even care, or will he still ignore me... This is terrible. I keep walking around with this pressure on my shoulders, I wish it could all go away. I just want my best friend back, that's not much to ask for right? I'd look down at my feet letting out a deep sigh. I should call Kenny, I need to know answers. I'd grab my phone and look for Kenny his number between my contacts, scrolling... scrolling... scrolling.. got it! It rang. It took a while till he picked up... " Hello? Kyle? " A voice was heard. " AH, jeez you took so long you scared me, uhm.. How did things with Stan go?"

" Good actually, he said he wants to talk to you yourself. It's a long story, I'd rather let him explain than I would."

I'd roll my eyes. " Why can't you just tell me? I can't wait this long."

" Because I was here just to help, you guys will need to talk it out. Stan said he wants to explain this all himself and not gonna lie I think he should, he told me he is gonna explain it all to you at prom."

I would stay quiet for a bit till I replied. " Is he mad at me?" I said biting my nail nervously.

" Not at all, jesus Kyle relax alright? Everythings gonna be fine. Just wait till prom and you will hear it yourself, don't stress out to much. Now I have to go, I promised Butters to look for dresses with him, fella is so excited I can't leave him jumping around like this." Kenny laughed a little.

"Alright fine, well okay I'll see ya guys at prom then. Good luck finding dresses."

" Thanks! See ya, Kyle. " Kenny hung up after he said that. All of a sudden a bit of that pressure on my shoulders is gone? After Kenny said Stan isn't mad at me I feel some sort of relief. Not fully, but I can at least get my mind off of it for now. I let out a big sigh once again, I'll go watch some tv that will help.

-Meanwhile with Kenny and Butters- (Some Bunny time yuh yuh)

" Found anything yet Buttercup?"

" Not yet! All of these dresses look so nice, I'm not sure which one I should take... " Butters sighed.

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