Part 4

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{Kyle's pov.} {Lunch time}

It was around lunch time, I was sitting in the cafeteria just thinking about Stan, should I try and talk to him later? I'm not quite sure..I'm still thinking of what I am supposed to say. I'll probably first ask him why he has been ignoring me, to be honest, I think I should set my mind and think about something else. Even it's hard too, people keep questioning if I'm okay and I'm so tired of hearing the same question over and over again. Anyways, I was sitting at the table with Cartman, Kenny and Butters. Butters and Kenny started dating 3 weeks ago I think it's pretty cute to be honest. They spend a lot of time together. 'Kyle, you good?' Kenny said looking over at me, he had his arm around Butters shoulder. 'Yeah, I'm alright. I've just been thinking about stuff.' 'Ah, I see.' To be honest, I think I should tell Kenny about the situation with me and Stan, Kenny is that type of person who makes jokes a lot and looks like he can't take anything serious but really, when you talk to him he is good at listening, he most of the time always gave me good advice. "Hey Kenny?"

"Yeah what's up?" He looked over at me

"Could we talk for a little? It's kind of a serious situation and I need ur advice."

Kenny slightly nodded and stood up "I'll cya later, okay babe?" He smiled and gave Butters a kiss on his cheek. "Alrighty! Bye Ken!" Butters blushed while waving. I also stood up, me and Kenny both walked to the male restrooms and locked the door so no one would come in. "Alright, so what's the situation?" Kenny said, I'd sigh "So, basically me and Stan used to hang out like all the time. Untill he started dating Wendy, he basically has been sort of ignoring me and we don't hang out anymore. And everytime I see him with 'her' I get like, jealous or something? I just don't really get a good vibe from her. She kind of annoys me sometimes..And I've been having these nightmares of Stan and me lately, him saying that he doesn't need me anymore.. And lately I've been feeling really lonely and down. I've had a mental breakdown like 2 days ago I think..And I just don't know what to do. That's why im asking for ur help.". "Mhm, alright so. Has he been ignoring you when he is alone? Or only when he is with Wendy?" "Only when he is with Wendy." I said. " Alright, I personally think that Wendy has something to do with the ignoring thing, since you just told me he only acts like that around her. But I think you should ask him what's going on later or at prom, that's the best thing to do. I wouldn't recommend texting. Maybe after school is the best time. I don't think they hang out much after school. Also, you said you are having this jealousy feeling right? " I looked at Kenny and replied "Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything? " I looked kind of confused. "Oh, well. Nothing I just want to know. How is ur bond with Stan now? Or how was it before- ". "Well, we are still super best friends! I hope. Tho I've noticed he has been a little blushy around me, and so have I. When we hug I kind of start blushing- and my heart starts beating faster and my ears get kind of hot!- I have no idea why b- " Kenny stopped me by saying something

"And that's what we call having a crush!"

"Huh?!" I started blushing a little looking at Kenny.

"Yeah man, a crush. You have a crush on Stan!"

I was silent for a little, thinking. Haven't I questioned this before? Do I have a crush on my best friend? I'm not sure..Tho how I feel around him explains a lot. Maybe i- do..But I just don't wanna say it. I won't have any change anyways, he is with Wendy..

"Yeah, I do actually.." I said looking down. But I'm sure he doesn't like me back. . ."

"You told me he was blushy around you right? How about I ask the same question to him later, how he feels about you. I'll try and fix this for ya! Don't worry. Thanks for telling me this tho, I knew something was wrong in the first place. And don't ever lose hope. Who knows, maybe tomorrow you and Stan will be fucking!"

In love with my best friend? | South Park StyleWhere stories live. Discover now