Flying ----->

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(A/N: If you couldn't tell, this is 2020 and covid doesn't exist in this world)

Sophia's POV:

"You've packed everything?" I said, shouting up to Lando. He came downstairs rather slowly, carrying two suitcases. By the time he reached the bottom, he was panting for air. "What the hell did you pack, your entire half of the wardrobe?"" he spoke between breathes, and I just chuckled. I was recovering still from my near death experience, but I felt a lot better I keep putting off speaking to my mum, I just can't face her- I need to concentrate on recovering. Lando went up the other day and got her number, and she stayed at the house on my base. I was just happy to get away for a while, whilst also being able to support my boyfriend. However, he would have to concentrate, and we would both have to attend as 'friends' even though deep down inside it hurt us both. But, our sneaky side wanted to play with the fans, who were getting increasingly frustrated at the fact 'we weren't dating'. Me and Lando would read multiple comments, and we would just laugh evilly to each other. 

The taxi pulled up outside the house, as we carried all of our belongings to it; the bitter cold of the night engulfing us. We then went to the airport, and I was braced for the fans. To my surprise, however, they weren't many fans around, mainly team personal and drivers. We boarded the plane, with me in the window seat, next to Lando and then a man who I recognised came to sit next to us. "Hola guys, I swapped with Charlotte, don't tell anyone." I knew exactly who it was. "Hola Carlos", I said and all three of us spoke. My eyes began to feel heavy after take off. Lando pulled out a hoodie from his back, and pulled it over my head. I leaned my head on his shoulder, as he kissed my temples. I could feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

Lando's POV:

She'd fallen asleep on my shoulder, and I was careful not to make sudden movements. Carlos then spoke to me in a whispering voice: "Mate you two, adorable. Let me take a pic." He snapped it, and sent it over to me, and I set it as my new background on WhatsApp. "Lando I've always seen you as an antisocial guy, never thought I'd be replaced by a girl" he said, laughing quietly. "Well you're replacing me for Charles" I said jokingly.  

"How has she recovered?"

"Well, yeah doctors are happy, she's happy so I'm happy" I spoke, with a smile on my face. I looked down on onto my shoulder, where her head layed, and plastered kisses all over her head, leaning into her. Carlos sat there with puppy dog eyes, and we began to descend to the runway. We had arrived in Belgium.

Sophia's POV:

"Baby, you're gonna have to wake up, we're about to get off now" Lando said, which caused me to flutter my eyes open. "Already?" I muttered to myself.

"Hey pretty girl, enjoyed your sleep?"

"Great sleep, thanks baby.". Carlos couldn't help but silently scream over our cute remarks to each other. I could tell by his face.

We got to the hotel, and before long, it was 2am, but we weren't sleepy. Lando was shirtless, with his messy hair and massive pupils I wanted Lando so badly, my body just seemed to crave it right now. I came up with an idea. He was scrolling through his phone, when I said I was going to go to the toilet. He looked at me: "Ok baby, don't be too long, the bed will go cold otherwise." I smiled, and slipped into the bathroom. I had done my mission. I had sneakily grabbed the LED remote control with is used for the room's lighting. I began to slip the clothes which covered most of my body. I didn't lock the door, and I clicked the button. The room went red, as I stood in the doorway. The colour changing of the lights made Lando look up immediately from his phone, the light shining onto his face. He layed eyes on my body, and the light caught his smirk. I began to smirk too. This was gonna be one fun night.

*next morning*

We woke up around 8:30am, and we both got ready to go downstairs for breakfast. No one was around, apart from Carlos and Charlotte. We got our food, and took a seat with them on the table. "Good morning guys, how are you today?" Lando asked. Carlos and Charlotte both responded with "good", exchanging smirks to each other. Lando looked puzzled, but didn't think much of it, until we both got caught. Carlos spoke up. 

"So how was your night?", he said, him and Charlotte still smirking.

"Good, nice sleep." we spoke, still confused as to why they were looking at us like they were.

"Hmmm, you sure sleeping is all you did? Our walls on either side of your room would say otherwise", Charlotte said, and I was drinking at the water. I chocked on my water, and Lando began to laugh. "You caught us" I said, holding my hands up defensively, as Carlos and Charlotte laughed, high fiving each other. "You looked like you did a good job Lando, I think you might want some makeup on that before going to the track", Charlotte said, pointing to a couple of hickeys plastered on my neck. Charlotte gave me her foundation, as I used my phone to begin blending it out, hiding Lando's 'amazing work' or so he says. 

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