Dinner with him

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Chapter 6

After finishing getting dressed me and my mum drove over to Marcus's house he live about 20 minutes away from me.

Once we got there we was greater by a petite lady.

"Hello I'm Mrs Jacobs but you can call me Maddison."

"Hello I am Mrs deeks but call me Jenna and this is my daughter Andrea."

"Why hello Andrea."

"You can call me Andy if you want." I said while adjusting my crutches.
After that Maddison walked us into a huge living room with a little girl playing she heard us then looked up with shocked look her mouth going into a 'O' shape.
She came up to me.
"Are you markys girlfriend."

"No I'm not."her face went into a frown.

"Oh I'll tell him that he's a loser."I laughed at her out mothers going off to the kitchen.

"What's your name." she asked while tilting her head.

"My name is Andrea but call me Andy what's your name."

"My names minie." After she said that we heard someone walking down the stairs it was Marcus I know this because he came into the living room.

"Oh I see you have meet my 4 year old sister."

"Yeah she cute." I say while looking at her.

"Marky your a loser." she blurted out.

"Why am I a loser." he asked with cuscusio in his voice.

"Your haven't asked Andrea out." she got angry and walked up to Marcus and kicked him with all her might.i couldn't keep it in a started to laugh.

"Andy will you come with me."

"Ok." we started to walk off then he started to walk up stairs my eyes widened.

"Um Marcus I can't walk up stairs."

"Oh yeah come here."
With that he lifted me up bridesmaid style and carried me up.

We started to walk down the hall till we got to the end and he opened the door.
The room was big and had a king sized bed and desk and another door with a chest of draws the hole room was a blue colour.

"Is this your room." I said with shock.


"This is not what I though it would be like I thought there would be posters and a mess."

"Well you thought wrong he closed the door and kissed me lightly.

"What was that for."
He shrugged.
We sat on the bed and he put his arm round my shoulder.

"Why isn't your dad here." he asked

"Um well he's in the Army." I look down a play with the lace on my dress.

"Oh sorry I asked."

"Don't worry bout it I've only told u and Sydney. your so different around me then at school why."

"I dunno your different."

"Oh is minie your only sibling."

"Yeah do you have any siblings."

After that are mums called use after eating me and my mum went home.

"I think that boy likes you but not as a friend way." my mum said I blushed

"You think so."

"Well yeah the way he was looking at you."

Once we go home j got ready for bed and there was a text on my phone

'Stay away from him bitch.'
Well that was wired

Pls comment thank you

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