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Chapter 23

I woke up in a hospital.How did I get here. I scan the room it's just white then I see someone sleeping on a chair next to me.

"Who are you?" I said to the boy.

"It's me Marcus." he had worry in his voice.

"Who?" I tried my best to remember.

"Oh I'll just go." he looked sad.

"No stay you must be here for a reason. who did I get here." I asked.

"Well we was at yours and you went to the toilet there was a spider so you ran out the house and fell over you slit your nose open and then you blacked out."
He just looked at me.

"I know I remember I was just testing you. I know what happened to me." I said trying to sit up but I couldn't I had sharp shooting pains in my nose and head.

"Wow be careful you don't want to get hurt any more do you?" He said while walking over to me."ill phone your mum."

He stepped out the room. so since I meet him I have been in hospital 2 times. wow that's a lot.
5 minutes later he came back in.

"Is she coming ?"

About 20 minutes later my mum was here and got me discharged.

We dropped Marcus home then we went home.

"I'm gonna go to bed mum night." I kissed my mum on the cheek and went to bed.

Sorry for such sort chapter but the next ones gonna be long xx

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