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"Don't panic."

"I'm panicking!" Bomi whispered, her fingers tightly wrapped around the older member's arm as she leaned in.

Sunhwa stood firmly, her eyes focused on the dancer before them.

Ahyeong sat on the floor, both hands hands hesitantly gripping the edges of the ankle.

"I'm so sorry." Damin apologized fervently. Chaesoo stood above the leader as she kneeled on the floor beside her.

"Is it sprained, or did she just roll it?" The powerful girl questioned.

"I think I rolled it." Ahyeong gritted her teeth. "What do we do?" Damin groaned, burying her face in her hands as she was overcome with guilt.

"We can have a driver take her to the doctor, and just work on vocals for the next few days." Sunhwa decided, detaching herself from the maknae and texting their manager quickly to explain what had happened.

"Damin, this is why we don't try to switch up the choreography when it's already fine." Chaesoo insisted, crossing her arms. She was angry.

"I thought it would look better if I-."

"No, you thought that you would look better."

Silence became all so suffocating as the girls gave each other piercing gazes of fury. Damin's pride was wounded, Ahyeong was truly hurt, and Chaesoo was fuming.

"You tried to go out of your way and freestyle while we recorded, even though we agreed not to, because we needed this to analyze- and because of that you got in her way and she stepped on-."

"I get it!" Damin snapped back, rising to stand face to face with the slightly younger female.

"Stop arguing." Ahyeong begged, tugging on the corner of Chaesoo's cropped jeans.

Bomi ran out of the room, likely overwhelmed by the alpha female aura that radiated throughout the room.

"She's right. Let's focus on the one who's actually hurt, for now." Sunny stepped between the two, biting the inside of her mouth in disappointment.

The girls rarely were genuinely mad at each other, as all five had a similar sense of morality and were able to discuss issues clearly.

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