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All of your warmth is real


"Congratulations ,"  

Min Jee smiled at the woman congratulating her about her jewelry gallery ,only for her smile to drop when the women left.

She sighed, looking at the entrance door for the millionth time then turning to talk with the next person that came to her, displaying a fake smile on her face.

"I must say,this collection is fabulous,my dear " 

"Thank you so much" She smiled,excusing herself when someone called for her.

"What?" She asked,taking another champion glass and chugging it down.

"Hey hey, easy " Her sister took the glass away from her and glared at her.

"It's just the beginning of your night, don't make a fool of yourself" Her sister scolded, locking eyes with Minjee and she sighed.

"There is still time" She assured and Minjee nodded.

"And just stop waiting, he will definitely show up" Her sister said and Minjee smiled.

"I don't think he will, " She responded, smiling at people and bowing her head.

"My husband barely has time for me at home, what makes you think he will spare time to attend?" Minjee said hopelessly, smiling sadly at her sister.

"Enjoy the party " She said to her sister then moved to talk with the guests.

Minjee always thought she loves her husband more than he did, it was obvious, after 4 years of marriage, she still felt the same way she did when she first met him.

He wasn't a person to voice his feelings but she understood him. She knew his feelings ran deeper than his words but She doesn't feel that love anymore. He felt distant, cold.

She wondered if she did something wrong to make his feelings change, to make him not care about her at all, or what she does when she's alone. 

The party came to an end and there was -still- no sight of her husband around. She informed him beforehand about her jewelry gallery and he said he'd be there. She wasn't sad he didn't make it because she knew he wasn't gonna show up.

He never showed up so why would he now? 

"Ma'am , are you ready to leave ?" Her personal bodyguard asked and she glanced at him.

"Yes " she said as he cleared the way for her.

She walked to her car with her two bodyguards walking in front of her. she never understood why her husband insisted on having protection with her, she had nothing to do with her husband's work nature.

When Minjee's car pulled up in the driveway of her house, she ironically chuckled when her husband's car pulled up behind her. One of the bodyguards quickly jumped out of the car and opened the door for her.

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