❤️ love and unity✊🏽

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ok, so I'm back with another thought in mind. and this thought is about living in love and unity. I will first start with love. as I am thinking deeper and deeper, I've has been wondering, why do we live in a world of hatred, jealousy and corruption?. to be honest, we are not living in a world of love. in some cases, people say they love but in reality, they are lying not only to themselves but, to those they come across. when I was growing up, they used to be love, peace, and unity everywhere I go. every day someone passed by, they would bid the time of the day with love, kindness, and respect. but now, I don't even know if I belong here anymore. like all the love we once had just got shredded in pieces. and now everywhere you go there is danger lurking at every corner. there is a lot of killing and it's mostly the children who get the kill.

but not only the young innocent children, but teens as well. especially for the females out there who don't care about life. and the females nowadays, rush themselves thinking that they are ready for the world when in reality they are far from ready. and those same females are the ones to get kidnapped, drugged, rapped, tempted to do illegal things and worst of all being MURDERED. and not only that but they also even get pregnant at a young age. like, what kind of love is that for yourself?. I once acted like that one time and it wasn't getting me anywhere in life. I was following the wrong crowd, being disrespectful, and even fighting in school and it didn't make me feel good about myself. And the older I got, the more I started to see life differently. My advice to those who are on this path will be to drop those friends who do not want the best for you. Because at the end of the day, it is you who will look bad and stay behind while everyone else is ahead of you. And they will gain from your downfall. Just be yourself and love yourself the way you are. And Don't ever let anyone change you into someone you are not. And believe in what you do. And one more thing, change the things you can and what you can't and know the difference.

and not only the females, but the males as well. and for anyone who is reading this, don't get offended because I'm writing pure facts about both the males and females on what they are doing especially in this time and age. then the males. in everyday life, you find some young teenage boys making some messed up decisions that cost their life education, and family. some of them interact in gangs, drug dealers, robbers, kidnappers, tempted to do illegal things, and even get MURDERED. and if you look at it, it is so sad to see what the generation has evolved to now. and the reality we are in.

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