Final Exam Pt 2

121 6 0

UA High

1-A Homeroom

Y/N: Guess that's that then, fingers crossed she'll love it, time I was on my way

With plenty of time to spare Y/N left school and sat by a park table to eat some roasted beef he kept in his satchel and a canteen filled with grape juice

Y/N: Damn does Vesemir keep his place stacked  not gonna lie

Finished with the banquet, he tossed all of the trash to the bin and prepared to go home and rest for a while, when a hooded man appeared out of nowhere his face was barely noticeable, he wore a hood under his head yet his hands seemed burnet out and holding by several stapples and his chin looked all scorched over

???: Mind if I wait here?

Y/N: Be my guest

???: You know, its quite funny when you think about it, what good is it to have the very butcher of Blaviken standing right in front if you can't have fun with him?

Y/N: Huh!? (trying to reach his sword )

???: Ah! Ah! Ah! Don't bother,

???: Ah! Ah! Ah! Don't bother,

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Y/N: Who the fuck are you?

???: Name's Dabi pleased to make your acquantance

Y/N: Any business bringing you here or just flatout urge to waste my time?

Dabi: On the whole contrary, I'm just a courier delivering a message from our mutual friend Vilgefortz,

Y/N: So now you're his new lapdog, giving you a week until he gets bored of you

Dabi: on his behalf he demands one thing, you fucking off elsewhere so you don't mess in our plans, capische?

Y/N: Care to repeat? can't  hear you with that stupid gig on your mouth

Dabi: Very funny, but not so menacing when you face a 5 feet monster am I right?

Y/N: Let's see if you still have that sickened smile when I cut your arms off and slice your throat

Dabi: We'll see, for the time being you've been warned witcher, cross us again and I assure hell hath no fury as we do, enjoy your day... monster slayer

In thin air Dabi collapsed like a puddle of mud on the sidewalk with no way to trace to follow

Y/N: Incinerated himself to.. dirt, some form of cloning? I don't know or remember any mage capable of replicating a sapient copy of itself..
Need to use the key before someone drops unexpectedly and starts making a fuzz about it

"Momo's house"

The portal opened once more and the witcher entered pacing against any suspicion

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