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                                                                           Ace Huxley 45

Football Player head of the house very strict doesn't play around. Very intimidating, very sporty and can't stay in the house all day.

                                                                        Alicia Huxley 42

Super Pretty. Grew up in Mexico so will yell in Spanish. If the kids want something they will go to her and she will probably say yes less strict than her husband and also wants him to be safe on the football field.

                                                                    Elijah Cody Huxley 22

Does not live at the house, but visits regularly and is very laid back usually the cool older brother and likes to cause problems every time he comes to visit .

                                                       Nate/Nathaniel Abram Huxley21

Very upbeat always doing something and has ADHD. Has a sneaking out problem and tends to do a lot of stupid things. Very fit goes to the gym a lot. In second to last year of collage. Likes to shoot things.

                                                                     Rory/Ronald Blake Huxley 19

Very chill laid back has a partying problem and can sometimes drag his brothers into it. Going to collage.

                                                                Grayson Grant Huxley 18

Last year of high school. Loves Football. Gets in trouble for speeding and is constantly getting arrested.

                                                           Blade Cash Huxley 17

Has a drinking problem gets into fights a lot very mouthy and get at it with Nate often. In third year of high school.

                                                         Tyler Jesus Huxley 16

In the white shirt has a bad group of friends and likes attention. Plays basketball crazy and is constantly putting his life in danger for dares which tends to get him in trouble.

                                                   Cody Andrew Huxley 15

Baby of the group but continues to shoplift and keeps getting caught. Likes to sneak out with Nate and did some light drugs. Loves baseball.

                                                     Venice Marie Russo 14

She is super crazy strong and hard to break does softball and rarely gets in trouble closest to Grayson .Smart and starting high school early.

                                               Click on the link to see pictures of the Characters

Just to let y'all Know this is my FIRST STORY and I hope that you guys like it!!!!!!!

Hey idk if the link is working so scroll to the bottom and just click on external link

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