Chapter 2- Nice to meet you!

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Hey guys thanks for tuning in! Hope you are having an awesome day so far and enjoy the chapter.

Chapter 2- Settling in.

Marinette made her way inside and stopped next to two other students- of whom both stood at the front of the classroom.

"Now, Kagami here," the teacher points at the girl standing to my left. " was just introducing herself. Please feel free to start again Kagami."

Whilst she spoke the class admired her beauty. She had a short, shoulder-length bob of shiny black hair. Her chocolate brown eyes glistened and her voice caused the group to be mesmerised. It wasn't going to be hard for her to make friends.

Kagami caught the eye of Adrien Agreste in the front row.

Adrien was the son of the famous Gabriel Agreste. Marinette recognised him instantly because he and his father's fashion label was plastered throughout the entire city. He had golden locks that shone in the sunlight and piercing green eyes, but what captured most people's attention was his award-winning smile.

Once Kagami finished her speech, Adrien flashed her his smile. She felt her heart warm up as she made her way to her new seat next to a kid named Ivan.

Ivan tried to start a coversation but Kagami dimissed him instinctively. Then, she remembered her mother's words and quickly apologised -explaining that she wasn't used to public school. Ivan nodded understandingly and continued writing in one of his notebooks. Kagami peered over his broad shoulders and saw he was writing a song about a girl called 'Mylene'.

"Okay, Félix" the teacher looked over at the boy next to me. "Would you care to introduce yourself?" she suggested.

"Certainly," he said with a cocky grin," hello fellow students, my name is Félix Graham de Vanily. I am, in fact, Adrien's cousin but I don't want anything to do with the lot of you."

And with that, he made his way to a free seat next to Adrien. When they sat next to each other, they could fool anyone into thinking they were twins. He had the same golden hair as his cousin- as well as the same forest-coloured eyes. The only differences were their senses of style. Adrien went for a more relaxed outfit: a black t-shirt with three different coloured stripes at the top; simple blue jeans; an off-white sleeveless jumper; and bold orange trainers. On the other hand, Félix wore a very modest and smart outfit with a black tie and always had his hair slicked back.

As Félix sat next to him, Adrien welcomed him with a small smile and a wave. His cousin ignored him and instead stared forward at the bluenette girl still patiently standing at the front of class.

"Ah, thank you Félix" Ms Bustier replied awkwardly. She waited a few seconds before waving Marinette to her side.

"Okay Marinette. Introduce yourself and afterwards make your way to the back there and sit with Nathaniel." She whispered into Marinette's ear, before pointing in the direction of a red-haired boy sitting in the last row of seats.

Hesistantly, she talked about her interests in fashion and how she came about into the city. Marinette added that she was excited to make new friends, before going up and sitting next to Nathaniel.

During the speech, the blonde and ginger girls from earlier both scoff at her.

The blonde girl's name was Chloé Bourgeois - she was perhaps even more famous than Adrien. She was the mayor's daughter and she believed everything should go her way. If she thought you came in the way of what she wanted, she had a bone to pick with you. She had stern baby blue eyes and always wore a lot of makeup. Behind all of it, she was a sweet girl, she just masked it with her arrogancy.

Her ginger best friend that followed her every move sat beside her. Her name was Sabrina. Sabrina's father had a good relationship with the mayor (seeing as he was a cop) and so the 'friendship' between the two girls was easily made. Although the pair seemed to argue a lot and the relationship was partially one-sided, they made it work and were content with each other. They thought it not necessary to have other friends.

Well, apart from Adrien.

Chloé knew Adrien from the age of infancy and made sure nobody would forget it. She clung onto him whenever she saw him and believed they were made for each other. Adrien grew up with Chloé and so he deemed her actions to be normal in a friendship- he never picked up on the fact that Chloé loved him. He saw her as just a friend.

As Marinette walked up to her seat, she glanced over at all the students. Although a couple of them were distracted, the majority of the group was watching her every move. Just as she was about to sit down, Nathaniel spoke.

"U-uh hello M-marinette." he stuttered, attempting to start a conversation.

"Hey Nathaniel" Marinette cheerfully whispered back with a smile.

For the majority of the lesson, they both sneakily chatted away unbeknownst to Ms Bustier. They talked about a mixture of topics: ranging from art, fashion, comics, to the city of Paris itself.

On the other side of the room, Kagami was thinking. She was instantly drawn to Adrien and wanted to meet him personally. She already knew he was a skilled fencer, (as was she) so she planned to challenge him during the week.

"Yes!" she thought smugly. What a perfect way to get noticed by him.

Drifting back to reality, Kagami realised that she had changed. Only an hour in public high school and she already found herself a soon-to-be friend. (Of course, only if all went well) Kagami thought that was a positive thing and that as long as she was focused on her studies and fencing as well as friendship, she'd be fine in her mother's books.

After another thirty seconds, she regained her focus and continued listening to the teacher talking about how the school year was going to go.

Ms Bustier used the first lesson of the school year to focus on friendship-building . As she spoke about some of the tasks she had planned, her aqua-blue eyes sparkled and all her exaggerated hand motions really lifted the mood inside the classroom. With her excessively cheerful attitude, she was an inspiration to Marinette.

"She's probably everyone's favourite teacher." Marinette thought as Ms Bustier excitedly walked around the room, her bun perfectly staying in place as she moved. Every now and then, she picked up her clipboard and removed the pencil from behind her ear to jot down something.

Once half an hour had passed, they were dismissed.

Before class had finished however, Ms Bustier noted that there were only three classes today since it was the first time back since July. The class's morale was boosted and so once class had actually ended, they all practically jumped on top of each other, all discussing their summer holidays.

As Marinette packed up her stuff and waved goodbye to Nathaniel, her name was called followed by a number of footsteps.

-End of Chapter 2-


Hope that is a good length for you.

I don't have an official schedule to this story -I will just add to it when I get the inspiration.


Miraculous [ONGOING]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora